realized gain

realized gain
реальный коэффициент усиления (антенны)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "realized gain" в других словарях:

  • realized gain — or loss Gain (or loss) resulting from an identifiable event, such as a sale or an exchange of property. The amount of realized gain from the sale or other disposition of property is the excess of the amount realized over the adjusted basis of the …   Black's law dictionary

  • Realized Gain — A gain resulting from selling an asset at a price higher than the original purchase price. Realized gain occurs when an asset is disbursed at a level that exceeds its cost of book value. While an asset may be carried on a balance sheet at a level …   Investment dictionary

  • realized gain or loss — Gain (or loss) resulting from an identifiable event, such as a sale or an exchange of property. The amount of realized gain from the sale or other disposition of property is the excess of the amount realized over the adjusted basis of the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • realized gain or loss — n. Actual and identifiable gain or loss received by selling property or an investment. See also recognize The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

  • Realized Gain —    The cash profit from liquidating a position …   Financial and business terms

  • realized loss — realized gain or loss Gain (or loss) resulting from an identifiable event, such as a sale or an exchange of property. The amount of realized gain from the sale or other disposition of property is the excess of the amount realized over the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • gain — Profits; winnings; increment of value. Difference between receipts and expenditures; pecuniary gain. Difference between cost and sale price. Appreciation in value or worth of securities or property. Excess of revenues over expenses from a… …   Black's law dictionary

  • gain — Profits; winnings; increment of value. Difference between receipts and expenditures; pecuniary gain. Difference between cost and sale price. Appreciation in value or worth of securities or property. Excess of revenues over expenses from a… …   Black's law dictionary

  • gain — n 1: an increase in value, capital, or amount compare loss capital gain: a gain realized on the sale or exchange of a capital asset (as a stock or real estate) ca·su·al·ty gain: a gain realized by an insured because property insurance benefits… …   Law dictionary

  • Gain (lasers) — Gain (or amplification) in laser physics is a process, where the medium transfers part of its energy to the emitted electromagnetic radiation, resulting in an increase in laser power. This is basic principle of all lasers.Quantitatively, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Gain (finance) — In finance, gain is a profit or an increase in value of an investment such as a stock or bond. Gain is calculated by fair market value or the proceeds from the sale of the investment minus the sum of the purchase price and all costs associated… …   Wikipedia

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