- real variable
вещественная [действительная\] переменная
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Real-Variable — [sprich: riel ] (Gleitkommavariable, Fließkomma Variable, Floating Point Variable), ein numerischer Datentyp, der als Wert reelle Zahlen annehmen kann. Der Wertebereich einer Real Variablen ist auf Zahlen in Gleitkommadarstellung (Gleitkomma)… … Universal-Lexikon
real variable — realusis kintamasis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. real variable vok. reelle veränderliche, f rus. вещественная переменная, f pranc. variable réelle, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
real variable — noun 1. : a mathematical variable whose values are real 2. : free variable * * * /ree euhl, reel/, Math. a variable to which only real numbers are assigned as values … Useful english dictionary
real variable — /ree euhl, reel/, Math. a variable to which only real numbers are assigned as values. * * * … Universalium
Function of a real variable — In mathematics, a function of a real variable is a mathematical function whose domain is the real line. More loosely, a function of a real variable is sometimes taken to mean any function whose domain is a subset of the real line.Functions of a… … Wikipedia
Real analysis — Real function redirects here. For the real part of a complex number, see real part. Real analysis, is a branch of mathematical analysis dealing with the set of real numbers and functions of a real variable. In particular, it deals with the… … Wikipedia
Real-Zahl — Real Zahl, umgangssprachliche Bezeichnung für eine im Datentyp »real« (engl. für »wirklich«, Real Variable) abgelegte Zahl … Universal-Lexikon
Real interest rate — The real interest rate is approximately the nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate (see Fisher equation and below for exact equation). Since the inflation rate over the course of a loan is not known initially, volatility in inflation… … Wikipedia
real — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, real, relating to things (in law), from Anglo French, from Medieval Latin & Late Latin; Medieval Latin realis relating to things (in law), from Late Latin, real, from Latin res thing, fact; akin to Sanskrit … New Collegiate Dictionary
variable réelle — realusis kintamasis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. real variable vok. reelle veränderliche, f rus. вещественная переменная, f pranc. variable réelle, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Variable bitrate — (VBR) is a term used in telecommunications and computing that relates to the bitrate used in sound or video encoding. As opposed to constant bitrate (CBR), VBR files vary the amount of output data per time segment. VBR allows a higher bitrate… … Wikipedia