- real axis
действительная (вещественная) ось
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
real axis — realioji ašis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. real axis vok. reelle Achse, f rus. вещественная ось, f; действительная ось, f pranc. axe réel, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
real axis — realioji ašis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. real axis vok. reelle Achse, f rus. действительная ось, f pranc. axe réel, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
real axis — /ree euhl, reel/, Math. the horizontal axis in an Argand diagram. * * * … Universalium
real axis — /ree euhl, reel/, Math. the horizontal axis in an Argand diagram … Useful english dictionary
real axis — noun The horizontal line in the complex plane, every point on which corresponds to a real number … Wiktionary
real line — /ree euhl, reel/, Math. 1. See number line. 2. the real axis in the complex plane. * * * n. Mathematics a notional line in which every real number is conceived of as represented by a point … Useful english dictionary
real line — /ree euhl, reel/, Math. 1. See number line. 2. the real axis in the complex plane. * * * … Universalium
Real Business Cycle Theory — (or RBC Theory) is a class of macroeconomic models in which business cycle fluctuations to a large extent can be accounted for by real (in contrast to nominal) shocks. (The four primary economic fluctuations are secular (trend), business cycle,… … Wikipedia
Real Time rendering — is the one of the interactive areas of computer graphics, it means creating synthetic images fast enough on the computer so that the viewer can interact with a virtual environment. The most common place to find real time rendering is in animated… … Wikipedia
axis — axis1 [ak′sis] n. pl. axes [ak′sēz΄] [L, axle, axis < IE * aks < base * aĝ (see ACT1) > OE eax, ON ǫxull, Gr axōn, L axilla] 1. a real or imaginary straight line on which an object rotates or is regarded as rotating [the axis of a… … English World dictionary
Axis — Ax is, n.; pl. {Axes}. [L. axis axis, axle. See {Axle}.] A straight line, real or imaginary, passing through a body, on which it revolves, or may be supposed to revolve; a line passing through a body or system around which the parts are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English