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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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  • write — (rīt) v. wrote (rōt), writ·ten (rĭt’n) also writ (rĭt), writ·ing, writes v. tr. 1. a) To form (letters, words, or symbols) on a surface such as paper with an instrument such as a pen. b) …   Word Histories

  • Write-only documentation — (WOD) is a tongue in cheek term for documentation that is [ write only documents.htm written to satisfy a process] but never read subsequent to its writing. Derogatory termWhile write only documentation …   Wikipedia

  • Read-Write conflict — In computer science, in the field of databases, Read Write Conflict, also known as unrepeatable reads, is a computational anomaly associated with interleaved execution of transactions. Given a schedule D:D = egin{bmatrix}T1 T2 R(A) R(A) W(A) Com …   Wikipedia

  • Write-only memory — is the antithesis of read only memory (ROM). By definition, a WOM is a memory device which can be written but never read. Since there seems to be no obvious utility for such a memory circuit, from which data cannot be retrieved, the concept is… …   Wikipedia

  • Write Once Read Many — Write Once, Read Many (alternatively Write One, Read Multiple or Write Once, Read Mostly or WORM) refers to computer data storage systems, data storage devices, and data storage media that can be written to once, but read from multiple times. [… …   Wikipedia

  • Read Only Memory — The notion of read only data can also refer to file system permissions. Read only memory (usually known by its acronym, ROM) is a class of storage media used in computers and other electronic devices. Because data stored in ROM cannot be modified …   Wikipedia

  • Read/write lock pattern — A read/write lock pattern or simply RWL is a software design pattern that allows concurrent read access to an object but requires exclusive access for write operations.In this pattern, multiple readers can read the data in parallel but an… …   Wikipedia

  • Write buffer — A write buffer, or buffered write through , is a type of memory buffer.A variation of write through where the cache uses a write buffer to hold data being written back to main memory. This frees the cache to service read requests while the write… …   Wikipedia

  • read/write memory — noun the most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on; an integrated circuit memory chip allows information to be stored or accessed in any order and all storage locations are… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Learning to read — Part of a series on Reading …   Wikipedia

  • Darryl Read — live at the White Trash Club, Berlin 2009 Background information Birth name Darryl Michael Roy Read Born …   Wikipedia

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