reactor concept

reactor concept
принцип проектирования ядерного реактора

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "reactor concept" в других словарях:

  • Reactor Mach II — Infobox Automobile name = Reactor Mach II manufacturer = parent company = aka = production = 1967 assembly = U.S.A. chassis number = 59260327 cost = $20,000 predecessor = The Piranha successor = The shuttlecraft and Klingon battlecruiser from… …   Wikipedia

  • Breeder reactor — Assembly of the core of Experimental Breeder Reactor I in Idaho, 1951 A breeder reactor is a nuclear reactor that generates more fissile material in fuel than it consumes.[1] These reactors are considered appealing due to their superior fuel… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear reactor — Core of CROCUS, a small nuclear reactor used for research at the EPFL in Switzerland This article is a subarticle of Nuclear power. A nuclear reactor is a device to initiate and control a sustained nuclear chain reaction. Most commonly they are… …   Wikipedia

  • Generation IV reactor — Generation IV reactors (Gen IV) are a set of theoretical nuclear reactor designs currently being researched. Most of these designs are generally not expected to be available for commercial construction before 2030, with the exception of a version …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear reactor technology — This article is a subarticle of Nuclear power .A nuclear reactor is a device in which nuclear chain reactions are initiated, controlled, and sustained at a steady rate, as opposed to a nuclear bomb, in which the chain reaction occurs in a… …   Wikipedia

  • Supercritical water reactor — The Supercritical water reactor (SCWR) is a Generation IV reactor concept that uses supercritical water as the working fluid. SCWRs are basically LWRs operating at higher pressure and temperatures with a direct, once through cycle. As most… …   Wikipedia

  • Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment — MSRE plant diagram The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) was an experimental molten salt reactor at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) researching this technology through the 1960s; constructed by 1964, it went critical in 1965 and was… …   Wikipedia

  • Aqueous homogeneous reactor — Aqueous homogeneous reactors (AHR) are a type of nuclear reactor in which soluble nuclear salts (usually uranium sulfate or uranium nitrate) have been dissolved in water. The fuel is mixed with the coolant and the moderator, thus the name… …   Wikipedia

  • Organically moderated and cooled reactor — The organic moderated and cooled reactor (OCR) was an early power reactor concept studied in the formative years of nuclear power by the United States Atomic Energy Commission and others around the world. The concept reactor was very similar to… …   Wikipedia

  • Very high temperature reactor — The Very High Temperature Reactor is a Generation IV reactor concept that uses a graphite moderated nuclear reactor with a once through uranium fuel cycle. This reactor design envisions an outlet temperature of 1000°C. The reactor core can be… …   Wikipedia

  • Clean And Environmentally Safe Advanced Reactor — Disputed Science: CAESAR nuclear reactor Disciplines: Nuclear engineering; Nuclear technology; Nuclear physics Core Tenets: Self sustained fissioning of Uranium 238 can be accomplished via steam moderated neutrons Year Proposed: 1998 Original… …   Wikipedia

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