basic mode
Смотреть что такое "basic mode" в других словарях:
BASIC 8 — (or BASIC 8.0) mdash; The Enhanced Graphics System For The C128 mdash; developed by Walrusoft of Gainesville, Florida and published in 1986 by Patech Software of Somerset, New Jersey, USA, was an extension of Commodore s BASIC 7.0 for the C128… … Wikipedia
basic — [ bazik ] n. m. • 1965; sigle angl. de Beginner s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code « code symbolique universel à l usage des débutants », avec infl. de basic « fondamental » ♦ Inform. Langage évolué, interprété, parfois compilé, bien adapté… … Encyclopédie Universelle
BASIC-PLUS — was an extended dialect of the BASIC programming language developed by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) for use on its RSTS/E time sharing operating system for the PDP 11 series of 16 bit minicomputers in the early 1970s through the… … Wikipedia
Basic Input-Output System — Pour l’article homonyme, voir BIOS. Le Basic Input Output System ou BIOS (système élémentaire d entrée/sortie) est, au sens strict, un ensemble de fonctions, contenu dans la mémoire morte (ROM) de la carte mère d un ordinateur lui… … Wikipédia en Français
Basic input output system — Pour l’article homonyme, voir BIOS. Le Basic Input Output System ou BIOS (système élémentaire d entrée/sortie) est, au sens strict, un ensemble de fonctions, contenu dans la mémoire morte (ROM) de la carte mère d un ordinateur lui… … Wikipédia en Français
Basic Instinct — L équipe du film au festival de Cannes 1992 Données clés Titre origin … Wikipédia en Français
Mode choice — analysis is the third step in the conventional four step transportation forecasting model, following trip generation and trip distribution but before route assignment. Trip distribution s zonal interchange analysis yields a set of origin… … Wikipedia
mode — mode1 /mohd/, n. 1. a manner of acting or doing; method; way: modern modes of transportation. 2. a particular type or form of something: Heat is a mode of motion. 3. a designated condition or status, as for performing a task or responding to a… … Universalium
Basic Service Set — The basic service set (BSS) is the basic building block of an IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN (according to the IEEE 802.11 1999 standard). In infrastructure mode one access point (AP) together with all associated stations (STAs) is called a BSS.cite… … Wikipedia
Dartmouth BASIC — BASIC Paradigm(s) imperative Appeared in 1964 Designed by John Kemeny, Thomas Kurtz Influenced by FORTRAN, ALGOL Influenced Cf … Wikipedia
Mode 7 — For other uses, see Mode 7 (disambiguation). Screenshot of a basic Super Nintendo demo using this graphical effect Mode 7 is a graphics mode on the Super NES video game console that allows a background layer to be rotated and scaled on a scanline … Wikipedia