rate of loading

rate of loading
скорость нагружения

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "rate of loading" в других словарях:

  • Loading dose — A loading dose is an initial higher dose of a drug that may be given at the beginning of a course of treatment before dropping down to a lower maintenance dose.[1] A loading dose is most useful for drugs that are eliminated from the body… …   Wikipedia

  • Loading master — The loading master person in charge (PIC) is the marine transfer operator at the marine terminal who supervises the movement of petroleum products between tanker ships, barges, and the terminal while the vessel is berthed at the dock. In this… …   Wikipedia

  • loading — /ˈloʊdɪŋ / (say lohding) noun 1. the act of someone or something that loads. 2. that with which something is loaded; a load; a burden; a charge. 3. an extra rate paid to employees in recognition of a particular aspect of their employment, as… …  

  • loading — The placing of goods on a ship, railroad car, or truck. Adding to the weight of something. The addition by an insurer, in calculating a premium rate, of a charge for operating expenses or for the contingency of increases in the risk or in the… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • loading rate — total amount of test substance added to dilution water to prepare water accommodated fractions (WAFs) for ecotoxicity testing …   Petroleum refining glossary

  • Wing loading — In aerodynamics, wing loading is the loaded weight of the aircraft divided by the area of the wing. [Thom, 1988. p. 6.] It is broadly reflective of the aircraft s lift to mass ratio, which affects its rate of climb, load carrying ability, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Disk loading — The MV 22 Osprey tiltrotor has a relatively high disk loading, producing visible blade tip vortices from condensation of the marine air in this photo of a vertical takeoff …   Wikipedia

  • Marine loading arm — One of three marine loading arms connects this oil tanker to the pier. A marine loading arm, also known as a mechanical loading arm, loading arm, or MLA is a device consisting of articulated steel pipes that connect a tankship such as an oil… …   Wikipedia

  • endurance loading — The stocking aboard ship for a period of time, normally covering the number of months between overhauls, of items with all of the following characteristics: a. low price; b. low weight and cube; c. a predictable usage rate; and d.… …   Military dictionary

  • spring rate — the change of load of a spring per unit deflection, taken as a mean between loading and unloading at a specified load …   Mechanics glossary

  • ИНТЕНСИВНОСТЬ ГРУЗОВЫХ РАБОТ (LOADING/UNLOADING RATE) — показатель, характеризующий скорость обработки трансп. судов в портах. Различают чистую (техн.) и валовую интенсивность. Чистую интенсивность в тоннах на судно в сутки определяют как отношение удвоенного кол ва перевезенного груза (каждая тонна в …   Глоссарий терминов по грузоперевозкам, логистике, таможенному оформлению

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