- basic code
абсолютный код, программа в абсолютных адресах
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
BASIC — Ausschnitt aus einem BASIC Listing BASIC ist eine der am weitesten verbreiteten imperativen Programmiersprachen. Sie wurde 1964 von John George Kemeny und Thomas Eugene Kurtz am Dartmouth College entwickelt und verfügte in ihrer damaligen Form… … Deutsch Wikipedia
basic — [ bazik ] n. m. • 1965; sigle angl. de Beginner s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code « code symbolique universel à l usage des débutants », avec infl. de basic « fondamental » ♦ Inform. Langage évolué, interprété, parfois compilé, bien adapté… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Basic (langage) — BASIC Pour les articles homonymes, voir Basic. {{{image}}} Sigles d une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres Sigles de trois lettres … Wikipédia en Français
BASIC-PLUS — was an extended dialect of the BASIC programming language developed by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) for use on its RSTS/E time sharing operating system for the PDP 11 series of 16 bit minicomputers in the early 1970s through the… … Wikipedia
BASIC — Класс языка: алгоритмическое, процедурное, объектное программирование Появился в: 1963 г. Расширение файлов: .bas Типизация данных: нестрогая Бейсик (от BASIC, сокращение от англ. … Википедия
BASIC 8 — (or BASIC 8.0) mdash; The Enhanced Graphics System For The C128 mdash; developed by Walrusoft of Gainesville, Florida and published in 1986 by Patech Software of Somerset, New Jersey, USA, was an extension of Commodore s BASIC 7.0 for the C128… … Wikipedia
Code coverage — is a measure used in software testing. It describes the degree to which the source code of a program has been tested. It is a form of testing that inspects the code directly and is therefore a form of white box testing.[1] Code coverage was among … Wikipedia
BASIC — Información general Paradigma estructurado imperativo Apareció en 1964 Diseñado por John George Kemeny; Thomas Eugene Kurtz … Wikipedia Español
Code Access Security — (CAS), in the Microsoft .NET framework, is Microsoft s solution to prevent untrusted code from performing privileged actions. When the CLR loads an assembly it will obtain evidence for the assembly and use this to identify the code group that the … Wikipedia
Code::Blocks — Code::Blocks … Википедия
Basic Input-Output System — Pour l’article homonyme, voir BIOS. Le Basic Input Output System ou BIOS (système élémentaire d entrée/sortie) est, au sens strict, un ensemble de fonctions, contenu dans la mémoire morte (ROM) de la carte mère d un ordinateur lui… … Wikipédia en Français