- basement
1) подвал; подвальный этаж; подвальное помещение2) фундамент•
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Basement — est un groupe de rock/noise français, formé à Libourne (Gironde) en 1995. Sommaire 1 Composition du groupe 2 Biographie 3 Discographie 4 Lien exte … Wikipédia en Français
Basement — Base ment (b[=a]sment), n. [F. soubassement. Of uncertain origin. Cf. {Base}, a., {Bastion}.] (Arch.) The outer wall of the ground story of a building, or of a part of that story, when treated as a distinct substructure. (See {Base}, n., 3 (a) .) … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Basement 5 — were a reggae punk fusion band from London founded in 1978. Their vocalist was Winston Fergus then Don Letts and in 1979 Dennis Morris, a photographer working at Island Records. The drums were finally played by Richard Dudanski who had played in… … Wikipedia
basement — [bās′mənt] n. [ BASE1 + MENT] 1. the foundation or lower part of a wall or structure 2. the lowest story of a building, below the main floor and wholly or partly below the surface of the ground 3. Geol. the oldest layer of igneous and metamorphic … English World dictionary
Basement 5 — waren eine Londoner Reggaeband mit Punkeinflüssen, die 1978 gegründet wurde. Ihre Sänger war zunächst Winston Fergus, dann Don Letts und schließlich ab 1979 Dennis Morris, ein Fotograf. Der Schlagzeuger war zuletzt Richard Dudanski, der zuvor bei … Deutsch Wikipedia
Basement — (franz., spr. bas māng, engl. spr. bēßment), soviel wie Basament … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Basement — (frz., spr. bas máng), s.v.w. Basament … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
basement — lowest story of a building except the cellar, 1730, from BASE (Cf. base) (n.) + MENT (Cf. ment) … Etymology dictionary
basement — [n] room on lower floor of building bottom, cellar, crypt, excavation, furnace room, storage, substructure, subterranean room, underbuilding, understructure, vault; concept 440 Ant. attic … New thesaurus
basement — ► NOUN ▪ a room or floor partly or entirely below ground level. ORIGIN probably from archaic Dutch, foundation … English terms dictionary
Basement — This article is about the section of a building. For other uses, see Basement (disambiguation). An unfinished basement used for storage and exercise equipment … Wikipedia