- ram extruder
поршневой (плунжерный) экструдер
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Reciprocating screw machinery — is used for the extrusion blow molding of hollow containers. Examples of parts manufactured from these machines include lightweight HDPE bottles for dairy and water, as well as large 3 5 gallon polycarbonate bottles for water coolers. Description … Wikipedia
Extrusion (Verfahrenstechnik) — Bei der Extrusion (von lateinisch extrudere = hinausstoßen, treiben) oder dem Strangpressen werden feste bis dickflüssige härtbare Massen unter Druck kontinuierlich aus einer formgebenden Öffnung (auch als Düse, Matrize oder Mundstück bezeichnet) … Deutsch Wikipedia
plastic — plastically, plasticly, adv. /plas tik/, n. 1. Often, plastics. any of a group of synthetic or natural organic materials that may be shaped when soft and then hardened, including many types of resins, resinoids, polymers, cellulose derivatives,… … Universalium
Compression molding — Compression molded rubber boots before the flashes are removed. Compression molding is a method of molding in which the molding material, generally preheated, is first placed in an open, heated mold cavity. The mold is closed with a top force or… … Wikipedia
Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene — (UHMWPE), also known as high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) or high performance polyethylene (HPPE), is a subset of the thermoplastic polyethylene. It has extremely long chains, with molecular weight numbering in the millions, usually between 2 and… … Wikipedia
Vegetable fats and oils — Vegetable oil redirects here. For other uses, see Vegetable oil (disambiguation). Plant oils Olive oil Types Vegetable fats (list) … Wikipedia
Ceramic forming techniques — are ways of forming ceramic shapes. This can be used to make everyday tableware from teapots, to engineering ceramics such as computer parts. Methods for forming powders of ceramic raw materials into complex shapes are desirable in many areas of… … Wikipedia
Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene — (UHMWPE or sometimes shortened to UHMW), also known as high modulus polyethylene (HMPE) or high performance polyethylene (HPPE), is a subset of the thermoplastic polyethylene. It has extremely long chains, with molecular weight numbering in the… … Wikipedia