- radiotechnology
1) радиационная технология2) радиотехника
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
radiotechnology — /ray dee oh tek nol euh jee/, n. 1. the technical application of any form of radiation to industry. 2. the technical application of x rays to industry. 3. the technology of radio. [RADIO + TECHNOLOGY] * * * … Universalium
radiotechnology — ra·dio·technology … English syllables
radiotechnology — “+ noun Etymology: radio + technology 1. : the technology of radio 2. : the application of X rays to industrial problems 3. : the application of any form of radiation to industrial problems * * * /ray dee oh tek nol euh jee/, n … Useful english dictionary
Bauman Moscow State Technical University — Московский государственный технический университет им. Н. Э. Баумана Motto «Мужество, Воля, Труд, Упорство!» Established 1830 … Wikipedia
Electrical impedance tomography — (EIT), is a medical imaging technique in which an image of the conductivity or permittivity of part of the body is inferred from surface electrical measurements. Typically conducting electrodes are attached to the skin of the subject and small… … Wikipedia
District University of Bogotá — Francisco José de Caldas District University Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Latin: Universitas Distritalis … Wikipedia
Mihai Gavrilă — Born October 10, 1929 Cluj, Romania Citizenship France Nationality … Wikipedia
fluoroscopy — Synonyms and related words: X ray photometry, X ray spectrometry, atom tagging, curiescopy, orthodiagraphy, photofluorography, radiation physics, radiobiology, radiochemistry, radiography, radiological physics, radiology, radiometallography,… … Moby Thesaurus
radiation physics — Synonyms and related words: Newtonian physics, X ray photometry, X ray spectrometry, acoustics, aerophysics, applied physics, astrophysics, atom tagging, basic conductor physics, biophysics, chemical physics, cryogenics, crystallography,… … Moby Thesaurus
radiology — Synonyms and related words: X ray photometry, X ray spectrometry, atom tagging, atomic science, atomics, atomistics, atomology, curiescopy, fluoroscopy, mass spectrography, mass spectrometry, molecular physics, nuclear chemistry, nuclear physics … Moby Thesaurus
radiotherapy — Synonyms and related words: X ray dosimetry, X ray photometry, X ray spectrometry, X ray therapy, atom tagging, cobalt therapy, curiescopy, curietherapy, fluoroscopy, interstitial irradiation therapy, irradiation, irradiation therapy, isotope… … Moby Thesaurus