- radiometric temperature
радиометрическая температура
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Radiometric dating — (often called radioactive dating) is a technique used to date materials such as rocks, usually based on a comparison between the observed abundance of a naturally occurring radioactive isotope and its decay products, using known decay rates.[1]… … Wikipedia
Closure temperature — This article is about radiometric dating. For blocking temperature in a ferromagnet, see Superparamagnetism. In radiometric dating, closure temperature or blocking temperature refers to the temperature of a system, such as a mineral, at the time… … Wikipedia
Blocking temperature — The temperature below which isotopes in a mineral are no longer free to move, at which point the radiometric clock starts. External links* [http://www.wwnorton.com/college/geo/earth2/glossary/b.htm Glossary] , Earth: a Portrait of a Planet. W. W … Wikipedia
Mariner 2 — Operator NASA Major contractors Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mission type Flyby … Wikipedia
radiometer — radiometric /ray dee oh me trik/, adj. radiometry, n. /ray dee om i teuhr/, n. 1. Also called Crookes radiometer. an instrument for demonstrating the transformation of radiant energy into mechanical work, consisting of an exhausted glass vessel… … Universalium
geology — /jee ol euh jee/, n., pl. geologies. 1. the science that deals with the dynamics and physical history of the earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the physical, chemical, and biological changes that the earth has undergone or is… … Universalium
dating — I In geology and archaeology, the process of determining an object s or event s place within a chronological scheme. Scientists may use either relative dating, in which items are sequenced on the basis of stratigraphic clues (see stratigraphy) or … Universalium
Earth Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Geology and Geochemistry The theme of the 33rd International Geological Congress, which was held in Norway in August 2008, was “Earth System Science: Foundation for Sustainable Development.” It was attended by nearly… … Universalium
Thermometer — A clinical mercury in glass thermometer … Wikipedia
quaternary — /kwot euhr ner ee, kweuh terr neuh ree/, adj., n., pl. quaternaries. adj. 1. consisting of four. 2. arranged in fours. 3. (cap.) Geol. noting or pertaining to the present period of earth history, forming the latter part of the Cenozoic Era,… … Universalium
geochronology — geochronologic /jee oh kron l oj ik/, geochronological, adj. geochronologist, n. /jee oh kreuh nol euh jee/, n. the chronology of the earth, as based on both absolute and relative methods of age determination. [1890 95; GEO + CHRONOLOGY] * * *… … Universalium