- radioactive emanation
радиоактивная эманация, радиоактивное излучение
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
émanation — [ emanasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1579; lat. ecclés. emanatio ♦ Action d émaner; la chose qui émane. 1 ♦ Théol. Manière dont le Fils procède du Père, et le Saint Esprit du Père et du Fils. ⇒ procession. ♢ Philos. Processus par lequel les êtres et le monde… … Encyclopédie Universelle
emanation — [em΄ə nā′shən] n. [LL emanatio] 1. the act of emanating 2. something that comes forth from a source; thing emitted 3. Chem. a) former name for RADON b) a heavy, gaseous isotope that results from the decay of a radioactive element emanative … English World dictionary
emanation — 1. Any substance that flows out or is emitted from a source or origin. 2. The radiation from a radioactive element. [L. e mano, pp. atus, to flow out] actinium e. radon 219. See emanon. radium e. radon 222. See emanon … Medical dictionary
Radioactive decay — For particle decay in a more general context, see Particle decay. For more information on hazards of various kinds of radiation from decay, see Ionizing radiation. Radioactive redirects here. For other uses, see Radioactive (disambiguation).… … Wikipedia
emanation — noun Date: 1570 1. a. the action of emanating b. the origination of the world by a series of hierarchically descending radiations from the Godhead through intermediate stages to matter 2. a. something that emanates or is produced by emanation ;… … New Collegiate Dictionary
emanation — emanational, adj. /em euh nay sheuhn/, n. 1. an act or instance of emanating. 2. something that emanates or is emanated. 3. Physical Chem. a gaseous product of radioactive disintegration, including radon, thoron, and actinon. Symbol: Em [1560 70; … Universalium
emanation — n. 1 the act or process of emanating. 2 something that emanates from a source (esp. of virtues, qualities, etc.). 3 Chem. a radioactive gas formed by radioactive decay. Derivatives: emanative adj. Etymology: LL emanatio (as EMANATE) … Useful english dictionary
emanation — em•a•na•tion [[t]ˌɛm əˈneɪ ʃən[/t]] n. 1) an act or instance of emanating 2) something that emanates or is emanated 3) chem. a gaseous product of radioactive disintegration, such as radon • Etymology: 1560–70; < LL em a•na′tion•al, adj … From formal English to slang
emanation — /ɛməˈneɪʃən/ (say emuh nayshuhn) noun 1. the act or fact of emanating. 2. something that emanates. 3. Chemistry Obsolete a gaseous product of radioactive disintegration including radon, thoron, and actinon. 4. Theology the issuing forth from the… …
radium emanation — Radon Ra don (r[=a] d[o^]n), n. (Chem.) An intensely radioactive gaseous element produced by the radioactive decay of radium 226, which is the main isotope of radium found in pitchblende. Chemically it is an inert noble gas. Its atomic symbol is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
de-emanate — (ˈ)dē+ transitive verb : to deprive of the property of giving off a radioactive emanation de emanate thorium by heating • de emanation (ˈ)dē+ noun s … Useful english dictionary