- radio aids
радиотехнические средства
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
radio navigation — noun : the process of conducting an airplane or ship from one point to another by means of radio aids (as beacons, direction finders, or radioed bearings) * * * radio navigation, navigation of an aircraft or ship with the aid of radio beacons,… … Useful english dictionary
radio approach aids — Those radio aids such as instrument/microwave landing systems (ILS/MLS) that assist landing in poor visibility conditions … Aviation dictionary
Radio navigation aid — Radio navigational aids, much like hearing aids, are small devices that allow other technological devices to receive signals which help with navigation. History Invented by Lord Roger Burrman in 1922, radio navigational aids have long since… … Wikipedia
Radio Salankoloto — is a radio station in Burkina Faso. It is broadcast on 97.3 FM from the city of Ouagadougou. It was established on November 22 1996.It plays mostly African music from traditional to modern hip hop.The radio is known for its important health and… … Wikipedia
Radio Navigational Aids — The Radio Navigational Aids (Publication 117) publication contains a detailed list of selected worldwide radio stations that provide services to the mariner.National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, 2008.] The publication is divided into chapters… … Wikipedia
AIDS-Skandal — Zu Beginn der 1980er Jahre traten weltweit Infektionen durch HIV kontaminierte Blutprodukte auf. Erst seit wirksame Gegenmaßnahmen getroffen werden können, hat die Bedeutung dieses Infektionsweges und damit auch die durch Bluttransfusionen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Radio Data System — The RDS Logo Radio Data System, or RDS, is a communications protocol standard for embedding small amounts of digital information in conventional FM radio broadcasts. RDS standardises several types of information transmitted, including time,… … Wikipedia
radio approach aids — prieigų radijo priemonės statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Įranga, kuri radijo bangomis nustato tikslią orlaivio padėtį nuo to momento, kai jis artėja prie aerodromo ar lėktuvnešio, iki pasiekia padėtį, iš kurios galima pradėti tūpimą.… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Radio-ballad — The radio ballad is an audio documentary format created by Ewan MacColl, Peggy Seeger, and Charles Parker in 1958. It combines four elements of sound: songs, instrumental music, sound effects, and, most importantly, the recorded voices of those… … Wikipedia
radio approach aids — Equipment making use of radio to determine the position of an aircraft with considerable accuracy from the time it is in the vicinity of an airfield or carrier until it reaches a position from which landing can be carried out … Military dictionary
radio magnetic indicator — An instrument which displays aircraft heading and bearing to selected radio navigation aids … Military dictionary