radar vector

radar vector
радиолокационное наведение

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "radar vector" в других словарях:

  • Vector propio y valor propio — Fig. 1. En esta transformación de la Mona Lisa, la imagen se ha deformado de tal forma que su eje vertical no ha cambiado. (nota: se han recortado las esquinas en la imagen de la derecha) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Vector space — This article is about linear (vector) spaces. For the structure in incidence geometry, see Linear space (geometry). Vector addition and scalar multiplication: a vector v (blue) is added to another vector w (red, upper illustration). Below, w is… …   Wikipedia

  • Radar tracker — A radar tracker is a component of a radar system, or an associated command and control (C2) system, that associates consecutive radar observations of the same target into tracks. It is particularly useful when the radar system is reporting data… …   Wikipedia

  • Wave radar — Ocean surface waves can be measured by several radar remote sensing techniques. Several instruments based on a variety of different concepts and techniques are available to the user and these are all often called wave radars. This article (see… …   Wikipedia

  • Histoire du radar — Principe du sondage radar L’histoire du radar est une branche de l histoire de l électronique qui devient un des fondements de la stratégie militaire du XXe siècle. L’idée de repérer un objet à distance, la télédétection, a commencé au début …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Monopulse radar — is an adaptation of conical scanning radar which sends additional information in the radar signal in order to avoid problems caused by rapid changes in signal strength. The system also makes jamming more difficult. Most radars designed since the… …   Wikipedia

  • Interferometric synthetic aperture radar — Interferometric synthetic aperture radar, also abbreviated InSAR or IfSAR, is a radar technique used in geodesy and remote sensing. This geodetic method uses two or more synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images to generate maps of surface… …   Wikipedia

  • Decca Radar — For other uses, see Decca (disambiguation). Decca BridgeMaster II turning units and antennas aboard a BC Ferries vessel in British Columbia, Canada The Decca Company, a British gramophone manufacturer that, as Decca Records, released records… …   Wikipedia

  • no-gyro approach/vector — A radar approach or vector provided in case of a malfunctioning gyro compass or directional gyro. The controller observes the radar tracks and asks the pilot to turn left or right and to stop turning to correct the aircraft’s track over the… …   Aviation dictionary

  • diverse vector area — That area, in a radar environment, in which a prescribed departure route is not the only suitable route to avoid obstacles. The area in which random radar vectors below the minimum vectoring altitude/minimum IFR (instrument flight rules) altitude …   Aviation dictionary

  • Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt/L–R — Dies ist der vierte Teil der Liste Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt. Liste der Abkürzungen Teil 1 A A Teil 2 B–D B; C; D Teil 3 E–K …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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