radar cross-section

radar cross-section
эффективная площадь отражения цели

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "radar cross-section" в других словарях:

  • Radar cross section — (RCS) is a measure of how detectable an object is with a radar. For example a stealth aircraft (which is designed to be undetectable) will have design features that give it a low RCS, as opposed to a passenger airliner that will have a high… …   Wikipedia

  • Radar Cross Section — Der Radarquerschnitt (engl. radar cross section, RCS) (bei manchen Quellen auch als engl. equivalent echoing area bezeichnet) gibt an, wie groß die Reflexion eines Gegenstandes zurück in Richtung der Quelle einer Funkwelle (Radar) ist. Er gibt… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Radar cross section — Der Radarquerschnitt (engl. radar cross section, RCS) (bei manchen Quellen auch als engl. equivalent echoing area bezeichnet) gibt an, wie groß die Reflexion eines Gegenstandes zurück in Richtung der Quelle einer Funkwelle (Radar) ist. Er gibt… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • radar cross-section — radarinis taikinio skerspjūvis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. radar cross section vok. Radarquerschnitt, m rus. эффективная отражающая поверхность цели, f pranc. section radar efficace, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • radar cross section — The measure of reflectivity of the received radar signals by an aircraft, it is expressed as square meters (m2 ). It is dependent on the true size, range, aspect, geometric shape, materials, surface texture, and other properties of the target… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Radar Cross Section — RCS, unique signature of an object created by the radar waves reflected from the object to the antenna (influenced by the shape of the object and the material it is made from) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • National Radar Cross-section Facility — The United States National Radar Cross section Facility is located at Holloman AFB, New Mexico. See also United States Air Force portal F 117A Nighthawk HAVE BLUE …   Wikipedia

  • Cross section — may refer to: Cross section (geometry), the intersection of a 3 dimensional body with a plane Cross sectional views in architecture engineering Radar cross section, the unit of measure of how detectable an object is with a radar Cross section… …   Wikipedia

  • Cross section (physics) — A cross section is the effective area which governs the probability of some scattering or absorption event. Together with particle density and path length, it can be used to predict the total scattering probability via the Beer Lambert law. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Optical cross section — or OCS is a value which describes the maximum amount of optical flux reflected back to the source. The standard unit of measurement is . It is dependent on the geometry and the reflectivity at a particular wavelength of an object. Optical cross… …   Wikipedia

  • Radar absorbent material — Radar absorbent material, or RAM, is a class of materials used in stealth technology to disguise a vehicle or structure from radar detection. A material s absorbency at a given frequency of radar wave depends upon its composition. RAM cannot… …   Wikipedia

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