Смотреть что такое "QUIL" в других словарях:
quil — Mot Monosíl·lab Nom masculí … Diccionari Català-Català
quil — obs. form of while, which … Useful english dictionary
quil — co·quil·lage; co·quil·la; gua·ya·quil; guis·quil; huis·quil; jon·quil; ma·quil·lage; pas·quil; quil·e·ute; quil·la·cin·ga; quil·la·ic; quil·la·ja; quil·lon; ron·quil; tran·quil; tran·quil·iza·tion; tran·quil·ize; tran·quil·iz·er; tran·quil·li·ty; … English syllables
Quil Ceda Village — is a municipality within the Tulalip Indian Reservation which includes the Quil Ceda Village Business Park, a commercial development constructed and operated by the Tulalip Tribe. The complex contains the tribe s casino, several retailers, and an … Wikipedia
QUIL-Gehäuse — QUIL Gehäuse, Kurzbezeichnung für Quad in line Gehäuse … Universal-Lexikon
quil·laia — quil|·la|ia Mot Pla Nom femení … Diccionari Català-Català
Quil|e|ute — «KWIHL uh yoot», noun, plural ute or utes. 1. a member of a tribe of North American Indians living on the northwestern coast of the United States. 2. the language of this tribe, related to Quinault … Useful english dictionary
quil|lai|a bark — «kih LY uh, kwih LAY », the bark of the quillai … Useful english dictionary
quil|lai — «kih LY», noun. 1. a tree of Chile; soapbark. 2. its bark; soapbark. ╂[< Spanish quillái < Araucanian (Chile) < quillcan to wash] … Useful english dictionary
quil|let — «KWIHL iht», noun. a nicety; subtlety; quibble. ╂[perhaps short for a variant of quiddity] … Useful english dictionary
quil|lon — «kee yawn», noun. French. either arm of a transverse piece forming a guard for the hand between the hilt and the blade of a sword: »The sword that went with the harness had a blade made in the Rhineland, a splendid gold and garnet pommel, two… … Useful english dictionary