- quetsch
текст.1) пропиточная роликовая машина; пропиточная плюсовка2) ролик пропиточной машины
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Quetsch — Quetsch, Vogel, so v.w. Gimpel … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
quetsch — I. ˈkwech, ˈkve noun ( es) Etymology: German, from German dialect (Alsace) quetsch, quetsche plum, from a French dialect word akin to Old French davoisne damson plum, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin damascena, from plural of Latin (prunum) Damascenum … Useful english dictionary
Quetsch — En Alsace et dans la région de Bâle, ainsi qu en Lorraine, on appelle quetsch (sans e) l eau de vie obtenue par distillation de quetsches fermentées. Elle se déguste soit fraîche, soit à la température de la tasse à café. Dans d autres régions de … Wikipédia en Français
quetsch — /kwech, kvech/, n. 1. Hort. a variety of plum. 2. a dry, white, unaged brandy distilled from quetsch plums in Alsace. [1830 40; < G Quetsche plum] * * * … Universalium
QUETSCH, SOLOMON — (1798–1856), Moravian Orthodox rabbi. A native of mikulov (Nikolsburg) and pupil of Mordecai banet , he officiated as rabbi at Piesling and lipnik (1832–54). He was the last representative of the old Orthodoxy and the chief opponent of samson… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
quetsch — noun a) A variety of plum having dark skinned fruit b) A liqueur made from the fruit … Wiktionary
Quetsch — Quẹtsch, der; [e]s, e [zu ↑ 1Quetsche] (westmd., südd.): klares Zwetschenwasser. * * * Quẹtsch, der; [e]s, e [zu 1↑Quetsche] (westmd., südd.): klares Zwetschenwasser … Universal-Lexikon
Quetsch — Quetschm vernehmenderPolizei ,Kriminalbeamter.Beruhtauf»quetschen=einzwängen,pressen«;hierweiterentwickeltzurBedeutung»einGeständniserzwingen«.Vgl⇨Poliquetsch.1840bisheute … Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache
Quetsch — Quẹtsch, der; [e]s, e (westmitteldeutsch, süddeutsch für Zwetschenschnaps) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
Solomon Quetsch — was an Austrian rabbi and Talmudist. He was born at Nikolsburg, Moravia on October 13, 1798, and died there January 30, 1856. He was educated at the yeshiva of his native city under Mordechai Benet, and was his premier disciple. He officiated as… … Wikipedia
Quetsche — Quetsch (de) … Kölsch Dialekt Lexikon