- quarryman
рабочий карьера
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
quarryman — noun A man involved in quarrying (mining for stone). He then described how a quarryman had bought the mineral rights of an estate at Melkridge, on the route of the Roman Wall, for twenty one years. mdash; John Sheail, Rural Conservation in Inter… … Wiktionary
quarryman — noun Date: 15th century quarrier … New Collegiate Dictionary
quarryman — /kwawr ee meuhn, kwor /, n., pl. quarrymen. a person who quarries stone; quarrier. [1605 15; QUARRY1 + MAN] * * * … Universalium
quarryman — quar·ry·man || kwÉ‘rɪmÉ™n / kwÉ’r n. one who excavates stone from a quarry, quarrier … English contemporary dictionary
quarryman — quar·ry·man … English syllables
quarryman — /ˈkwɒrimən/ (say kworeemuhn) noun (plural quarrymen) a man who quarries stone. Also, quarrier. {quarry1 + man} …
quarryman — n. (pl. men) a worker in a quarry … Useful english dictionary
Ditton, Kent — Coordinates: 51°17′41″N 0°27′07″E … Wikipedia
Slate industry in Wales — The slate industry in Wales began during the Roman period when slate was used to roof the fort at Segontium, now Caernarfon. The slate industry grew slowly until the early 18th century, then expanded rapidly until the late 19th century, at which… … Wikipedia
Quarry (disambiguation) — A quarry is a type of open pit mine, generally associated with the extraction of stone, or sometimes fuel. It may also refer to: *The target of a chase, especially during a hunt *Quarry, Newfoundland and Labrador, an abandoned railway community… … Wikipedia
Ulster Constitution Defence Committee — The Ulster Constitution Defence Committee (UCDC) was established in Northern Ireland in April 1966. The UCDC was the governing body of the loyalist Ulster Protestant Volunteers (UPV). The UCDC coordinated parades, counter demonstrations, and… … Wikipedia