
1) база, основание; фундамент
2) станина; фундаментная плита
3) подстилающий слой (грунта)
4) геод. база, базис
5) плинтус
6) материал основы; основа (сплава)
7) бедная руда
8) метал. поддон
9) основание; щёлочь
10) электрон. база, базовая область
11) основа; подложка
12) система отсчёта; уровень отсчёта
13) вчт. основание системы счисления или логарифма
14) вчт. базовый адрес
15) эл. изолирующее основание
16) цоколь (электровакуумного прибора, лампы)
17) подставка (для клише)
18) ножка (литеры)
19) тара дно (ёмкости); нижняя часть сборного ящика
20) деревянный настил, к которому крепится изделие при перевозке
21) парк (напр. установленных единиц оборудования)
base for a system of logarithms — основание системы логарифмов;
base with pins — штырьковый цоколь (лампы)
acetate base
active base
air base
air-bag base
aircraft maintenance base
aircraft wheel base
all-metal tube base
all-metal base
anionic base
anion base
antihalation base
applied knowledge base
axle base
balanced base
base of column
base of crude oil
base of foundation
base of logarithm
base of number system
base of petroleum
base of power
base of road
base of verification
basic knowledge base
bayonet base
bedrock base
binary base
binding base
boulder base
bulk base
camera base
cationic base
cation base
cellulose ester base
ceramic base
chimney base
circular base
cloud base
coil base
coke base
comparator base
compass base
conjugate base
control base
cooker base
cooperative knowledge base
cosmetic base
cream base
customer base
cyclic tertiary bases
data base
decimal base
distributed data base
Edison base
embankment base
engine test base
expert knowledge base
extrinsic base
fat base
field-time base
film base
filter base
floating base
foil base
general knowledge base
gravity base
grease base
gripper base
heterocyclic bases
highly doped base
honeycomb base
implanted base
index base
inertial base
initial design-data base
inorganic bases
installed base
insulating base
integrated sandwich circuit base
interferometer base
intrinsic base
knowledge base
leveling base
line maintenance base
linear base
line-time base
long base
low-doped base
lower base
lubricant base
lubricating-pad base
macadam base
machining data base
makeup base
metal base
mismatched bases
mixed base
mold base
moving base
multistack base
narrow base
negative base
Newtonian base
nigrosine base
nitrate base
nitrogen base
nonrigid road base
notch base
nucleic base
oil base
organic bases
package base
paint base
paper base
paraffin base
part-programming data base
permanent seabed guide base
permeable base
petroleum nitrogen bases
phosphor base
pin base
plaster base
plastic base
plow base
polyester base
primer base
product data base
pulse base
quarternary organic bases
rail base
remaining grouser base
repair base
retractable base
rigid road base
robot base
rubble base
salve base
sanitary base
screw base
sheet-annealing base
short base
signal base
single knowledge base
single-stack base
slope base
soap base
spray base
sprue base
standard base
stem base
stereoscopic base
stereo base
strong base
system knowledge base
tape base
tensilized base
time base
tread base
triacetate base
tube base
upper base
valve base
wax-soap base
weak base
wheel base

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "base" в других словарях:

  • base — base …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • basé — basé …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • base — [ baz ] n. f. • XIIe; lat. basis, mot gr. « marche, point d appui » I ♦ A ♦ 1 ♦ Partie inférieure d un corps sur laquelle il porte, il repose. ⇒ appui (point d appui), assiette, assise, 1. dessous, fond, fondement, pied. La base de l édifice… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Base D'or — En mathématiques, le nombre d or, à savoir peut être utilisé comme une base de numération. Ce système est connu sous le nom base d or, ou accessoirement, phinaire (car le symbole pour le nombre d or est la lettre grecque « phi »). Tout… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • base — n Base, basis, foundation, ground, groundwork are comparable when meaning something on which another thing is reared or built or by which it is supported or fixed in place. Base may be applied to the lowest part or bottom of something without… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • base — base·ball; base; base·less; base·lin·er; base·ly; base·man; base·ment; base·ness; de·base; de·base·ment; di·a·base; em·base; gnatho·base; gyno·base; im·base; iso·base; phal·lo·base; rheo·base; rim·base; scle·ro·base; sub·base; sur·base;… …   English syllables

  • base — base1 [bās] n. [ME < OFr bas < L basis,BASIS] 1. the thing or part on which something rests; lowest part or bottom; foundation 2. the fundamental or main part, as of a plan, organization, system, theory, etc. 3. the principal or essential… …   English World dictionary

  • Base — (b[=a]s), a. [OE. bass, F. bas, low, fr. LL. bassus thick, fat, short, humble; cf. L. Bassus, a proper name, and W. bas shallow. Cf. {Bass} a part in music.] 1. Of little, or less than the usual, height; of low growth; as, base shrubs. [Archaic]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base — or BASE may refer to:A base is a mixture of urine n waste so do not eat it* Base meaning bottom, the lowest part of an object* can mean negative, unfavorable or undesirable in nature. Bad; vile; malicious; evil.In mathematics: *Base (mathematics) …   Wikipedia

  • base — 1. a base de. Locución preposicional que, seguida de un sustantivo, expresa que lo denotado por este es el fundamento o componente principal: «Los [tallarines] verdes [...] están hechos a base de albahaca» (Cisneros Mestizaje [Perú 1995]).… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • base — (Del lat. basis, y este del gr. βάσις). 1. f. Fundamento o apoyo principal de algo. 2. Conjunto de personas representadas por un mandatario, delegado o portavoz suyo. U. m. en pl.) 3. Lugar donde se concentra personal y equipo, para, partiendo de …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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