quantum metrology

quantum metrology
квантовая метрология

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "quantum metrology" в других словарях:

  • Quantum metrology — is the study of making high resolution and highly sensitive measurements of physical parameters using quantum theory to describe the physical systems, particularly exploiting quantum entanglement. [ [http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v96/e010401 V …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum technology — is a new field of physics and engineering, which transitions some of the stranger features of quantum mechanics, especially quantum entanglement, into practical applications such as quantum computing, quantum cryptography, quantum metrology,… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum lithography — is a type of photolithography, which exploits non classical properties of the photons, such as quantum entanglement, in order to achieve superior performance over ordinary classical lithography. Quantum lithography is closely related to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum — In physics, a quantum (plural: quanta) is an indivisible entity of a quantity that has the same units as the Planck constant and is related to both energy and momentum of elementary particles of matter (called fermions) and of photons and other… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum sensor — A quantum sensor is a device that exploits quantum correlations, such as quantum entanglement to achieve a sensitivity or resolution that is better than can achieved using only classical systems. [ [http://merlin.fic.uni.lodz.pl/concepts/2005 3… …   Wikipedia

  • Magnetic flux quantum — Values (CODATA 2006)[1] Units Φ0 2.067 833 667(52)×10−15 Wb KJ 483 597.891(12)×109 Hz/V KJ–90 483 597.9 …   Wikipedia

  • Jonathan Dowling — Infobox Scientist name = Jonathan P. Dowling birth date = birth place = Smithtown, New York residence = flagcountry|USA nationality = flagcountry|Ireland flagcountry|USA field = Physicist work institution = Louisiana State University alma mater …   Wikipedia

  • NOON state — A NOON state is a quantum mechanical many body entangled state: which represents a superposition of N particles in mode a with zero particles in mode b, and vice versa. Usually, the particles are photons, but in principle any bosonic field can… …   Wikipedia

  • Rainer Blatt — Infobox Scientist name = Rainer Blatt birth date = Birth date and age|1952|9|8|df=yes birth place = Idar Oberstein, Germany residence = flagcountry|Austria nationality = flagcountry|Austria, flagcountry|Germany field = Physicist work institution …   Wikipedia

  • Volt — For other uses, see Volt (disambiguation). Josephson junction array chip developed by NIST as a standard volt The volt (symbol: V) is the SI derived unit for electric potential, electric potential difference, and electromotive force.[1] The …   Wikipedia

  • Вольт — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Вольт (значения). Вольт (русское обозначение: В; международное: V)  в Международной системе единиц (СИ) единица измерения электрического потенциала, разности потенциалов, электрического… …   Википедия

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