quantitative methods

quantitative methods
количественные методы

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "quantitative methods" в других словарях:

  • Quantitative methods in criminology — Since the inception of the discipline, quantitative methods have provided the primary research methods for studying the distribution and causes of crime. Quantitative methods provide numerous ways to obtain data that are useful to many aspects of …   Wikipedia

  • quantitative methods of research — kiekybiniai tyrimo metodai statusas T sritis Politika apibrėžtis Politinių reiškinių tyrimo metodai, kai hipotezei patikrinti taikomos statistinės procedūros su skaitiniais kintamaisiais, aprašančiais empirinius duomenis.Siekiant suprasti… …   Politikos mokslų enciklopedinis žodynas

  • Quantitative research — is the systematic scientific investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to natural… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantitative comparative linguistics — is a branch of comparative linguistics that applies mathematical models to the problem of classifying language relatedness. This includes the use of computational phylogenetics and cladistics to define an optimal tree (or network) to represent a… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantitative history — is an approach to historical research that makes use of quantitative, statistical and computer tools. It is considered a branch of social science history and has favorite journals, such as Historical Methods, Social Science History, the Journal… …   Wikipedia

  • naive quantitative methods — Techniques used to forecast future trends, e. g. the demand for a product, using historical data to calculate an average of past demand. When this data is plotted against time, it is known as a time series. It is usually assumed that a time… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Quantitative revolution — The quantitative revolution was one of the four major turning points in the history of geography (the other three being regional geography, environmental determinism and critical geography). The quantitative revolution occurred during the 1950s… …   Wikipedia

  • quantitative forecasting techniques — Techniques used to forecast future trends, e. g. the demand for a product, based on manipulation of historical data. See causal quantitative models; naive quantitative methods Compare qualitative forecasting techniques …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Quantitative behavioral finance — [cite web|url = http://www.pitt.edu/ caginalp/QuantitativeBehavioralFinanceJan2.pdf | title = Quantitative behavioral finance | month = January | year = 2007|format=PDF] is a new discipline that uses mathematical and statistical methodology to… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantitative structure-activity relationship — (QSAR) is the process by which chemical structure is quantitatively correlated with a well defined process, such as biological activity or chemical reactivity.For example, biological activity can be expressed quantitatively as in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantitative psychology — is the application of statistical and mathematical methods to the study of psychology. This area of study is loosely divided into the subfields of psychometrics and mathematical psychology. Psychometrics may be characterized as the application of …   Wikipedia

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