Q multiplier

Q multiplier
1) высокодобротный умножитель
2) умножитель добротности

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "Q multiplier" в других словарях:

  • multiplier — [ myltiplije ] v. <conjug. : 7> • 1120, var. molteplier, monteplier; lat. multiplicare; cf. multiple I ♦ V. intr. Vx 1 ♦ Rare Augmenter en nombre. « les conséquences multiplient à proportion » (Pascal). 2 ♦ Augmenter en nombre par la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • multiplier — Multiplier. v. a. Augmenter le nombre de quelque chose. C est une maxime de la Philosophie qu il ne faut pas multiplier les estres sans necessité. miroirs qui multiplient les objets. Jesus Christ multiplia les cinq pains. ce Chimiste pretend… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Multiplier — Mul ti*pli er, n. [Cf. F. multiplier. Cf. {Multiplicator}.] 1. One who, or that which, multiplies or increases number. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) The number by which another number (the multiplicand) is multiplied. See the Note under… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • multiplier — 1. a number applied by multiplication to a multiplicand to produce a figure for damages in cases of future loss, which will provide an appropriate annuity equivalent to the loss but which will itself be exhausted at the time of the notional death …   Law dictionary

  • multiplier — (n.) late 15c., agent noun from MULTIPLY (Cf. multiply) …   Etymology dictionary

  • multiplier — Multiplier, act. acut. Multiplicare, Augere, Auctare, Propagare. Les ennemis se multiplient de jour en jour, Accessionem faciunt hostes, vel Crescunt in dies singulos …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • multiplier — ► NOUN 1) a quantity by which a given number (the multiplicand) is to be multiplied. 2) a device for increasing the intensity of an electric current, force, etc. to a measurable level …   English terms dictionary

  • multiplier — [mul′tə plī΄ər] n. 1. a person or thing that multiplies or increases 2. Econ. the ratio between the total increase in income resulting from the stimulating effect of an initial expenditure and the initial expenditure itself 3. Math. the number by …   English World dictionary

  • Multiplier (Fourier analysis) — In Fourier analysis, a multiplier operator is a type of linear operator, or transformation of functions. These operators act on a function by altering its Fourier transform. Specifically they multiply the Fourier transform of a function by a… …   Wikipedia

  • Multiplier (economics) — In economics, a multiplier is a factor of proportionality that measures how much an endogenous variable changes in response to a change in some exogenous variable. For example, suppose a one unit change in some variable x causes another variable… …   Wikipedia

  • Multiplier — Multiplication  Cet article concerne l opération arithmétique. Pour les autres significations, voir Multiplication (homonymie). La multiplication de 4 par 3 donne le même résultat que la mul …   Wikipédia en Français

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