pusher propeller

pusher propeller
1) толкающий воздушный винт
2) толкающий гребной винт

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "pusher propeller" в других словарях:

  • pusher propeller — An arrangement in which the propeller or the airscrew is behind the engine, and it pushes the airplane rather than pulling it. The advantage of this arrangement is that the absence of an engine nacelle forward of the wing permits unrestricted… …   Aviation dictionary

  • pusher propeller — noun : a propeller operating at the trailing rather than the leading edge of the wing * * * a propeller located on the trailing edge of an aircraft wing. [1950 55] …   Useful english dictionary

  • pusher propeller — a propeller located on the trailing edge of an aircraft wing. [1950 55] * * * …   Universalium

  • Propeller — einer Bristol Britannia Ein Propeller (von lat. propellere = vorwärts treiben) ist ein Antrieb durch Flügel, die um eine Welle herum angeordnet sind, und zwar im Normalfall radial (sternförmig). Bei Flugzeugen wird der Propeller gelegentlich als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • pusher — or pusher airplane [poosh′ər] n. 1. a person or thing that pushes 2. an airplane with its propeller or propellers mounted behind the engine so that it pushes the aircraft forward: also pusher airplane ☆ 3. Slang a person who sells drugs, esp.… …   English World dictionary

  • Pusher configuration — An aircraft constructed with a pusher configuration has the engine mounted forward of the propeller which faces in a rearwards direction giving an appearance that the aircraft is pushed through the air. Sometimes the propeller is situated at the… …   Wikipedia

  • pusher — Synonyms and related words: Mafioso, black marketeer, bootlegger, dealer, double prop, drug pusher, gray marketeer, moonshiner, multi prop, piston plane, propeller plane, propjet, pusher plane, racketeer, single prop, tractor, turbo prop, turbo… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • propeller — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. propulsor, impeller, prop (inf.); rotor, blade, airfoil, screw. See propulsion, rotation. II (Roget s IV) n. Types of propellers include: screw, Archimedean, fishtail, variable pitch, feathering,… …   English dictionary for students

  • pusher — /ˈpʊʃə / (say pooshuh) noun 1. someone or something that pushes. 2. a small child s table implement for pushing food on to a spoon. 3. Chiefly Victoria, Tasmania, SA and WA → stroller (def. 3). 4. an aggressively ambitious person. 5. a peddler of …  

  • tractor propeller — An airscrew or propeller located in front of the engine, which pulls the airplane. It is unlike the “pusher propeller,” which is located in the rear of the wing and pushes the airplane. The tractor propeller “pulls” the airplane through the air,… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Duigan pusher biplane — Role Experimental aircraft Manufacturer John Duigan Designer …   Wikipedia

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