- push-pull connector
защёлкивающийся соединитель, соединитель с самозапирающимся сочленением
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Push-pull connector — A push pull connector is a type of cable interconnect that provides a strong locking mechanism that is only released by squeezing the connector body, preventing accidental disconnects. The connector is round, with coaxial or multiple pin… … Wikipedia
Push–pull — can refer to several things or concepts: *Push pull train (a train capable of being operated by a driver at either end) *Push–pull strategy (in marketing and advertising) *Push–pull output (type of electronic circuit) *Push–pull converter (in… … Wikipedia
Optical fiber connector — An optical fiber connector terminates the end of an optical fiber, and enables quicker connection and disconnection than splicing. The connectors mechanically couple and align the cores of fibers so that light can pass. Better connectors lose… … Wikipedia
RF connector — Male Type N RF connector. A coaxial RF connector is an electrical connector designed to work at radio frequencies in the multi megahertz range. RF connectors are typically used with coaxial cables and are designed to maintain the shielding that… … Wikipedia
Musa connector — From left to right: assembled cable mounted Musa socket, socket components, two types of panel mounted plug The Musa connector (Multi User Steerable Array) is a type of coaxial connector, originally developed for the manual switching of radar… … Wikipedia
самозапирающийся соединитель — [IEV number 581 26 22] Электрический соединитель с самозапирающимся замковым устройством [Интент] EN push pull connector connector having a push pull coupling [IEV number 581 26 22] FR connecteur « pousser tirer » connecteur… … Справочник технического переводчика
Microducts — Protective duct with bundle of microducts and cable Microducts are small ducts for the installation of small microduct fibre optic cables. They have a size ranging from typically 3 to 16 mm and are installed as bundles in larger ducts. Contents 1 … Wikipedia
Lichtwellenleiter — Kunststoff Lichtwellenleiter LWL Patchkabel konfektionier … Deutsch Wikipedia
Comparison of web application frameworks — This is a comparison of notable web application frameworks. Contents 1 General 1.1 Perl 1.2 PHP 1.3 Java 1.4 Python … Wikipedia
Сравнение каркасов веб-приложений — Это сравнительная таблица фреймворков веб приложений. Содержание 1 Фреймворки 1.1 ASP.NET 1.2 C++ 1.3 ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) … Википедия
ГОСТ 21962-76: Соединители электрические. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 21962 76: Соединители электрические. Термины и определения оригинал документа: 68. Байонетное замковое устройство электрического соединителя Е. Bayonet coupling Замковое устройство электрического соединителя, конструкция… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации