pull-up time

pull-up time
время срабатывания (реле)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "pull-up time" в других словарях:

  • pull — pullable, adj. puller, n. /pool/, v.t. 1. to draw or haul toward oneself or itself, in a particular direction, or into a particular position: to pull a sled up a hill. 2. to draw or tug at with force. 3. to rend or tear: to pull a cloth to pieces …   Universalium

  • Time Warner Cable — Type Public Traded as NYSE: TWC Industry Communications …   Wikipedia

  • Pull my finger — is a joke or prank regarding flatulence in which a mark is asked to pull the finger of the illusionist (or person playing the joke), who simultaneously flatulates so as to suggest a causal relationship between the pulling of the finger and the… …   Wikipedia

  • pull up stakes — {v. phr.}, {informal} To leave the place where you have been living. * /We are going to pull up stakes and move to California./ * /The Jones family pulled up stakes three times in two years./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pull up stakes — {v. phr.}, {informal} To leave the place where you have been living. * /We are going to pull up stakes and move to California./ * /The Jones family pulled up stakes three times in two years./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Pull technology — or client pull is a style of network communication where the initial request for data originates from the client, and then is responded to by the server. The reverse is known as push technology, where the server pushes data to clients.Pull… …   Wikipedia

  • Pull-Ups Training Pants — Pull Ups redirects here. For other uses, see Pull up .Pull Ups is a brand of disposable training diapers made under the Huggies brand of baby products. The product was first introduced in 1989 and became popular with the motto I m a big kid now!… …   Wikipedia

  • Pull My Strings — was a song by the Dead Kennedys, written by DK lead singer Jello Biafra and drummer Ted specifically for the 1980 Bay Area Music Awards. The song would not find its way onto a record until 1987 s Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death .The song,… …   Wikipedia

  • Pull Me Under — est la première chanson de l album Images And Words du groupe de metal progressif Dream Theater. C est une des neuf chansons dont les paroles ont été écrites par Kevin Moore. Sommaire 1 Apparitions 2 Faits Divers 3 Personnel …   Wikipédia en Français

  • pull strategy — ➔ strategy * * * pull strategy UK US noun [C] ► MARKETING a method of marketing in which a company spends time and money to advertise goods directly to customers so that they will want to buy them: »Adopting a pull strategy requires excellent… …   Financial and business terms

  • Time Squad — From left to right, Buck Tuddrussel, Otto Osworth, and Larry 3000 Genre Science fiction Comedy Format Animated se …   Wikipedia

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