- psophometric power
псофометрическая мощность
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
псофометрическая мощность — — [http://www.iks media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324] Тематики электросвязь, основные понятия EN psophometric power … Справочник технического переводчика
dBrnC — represents an audio level measurement, typically in a telephone circuit, relative to the circuit noise level, with the measurement of this level frequency weighted by a standard C message weighting filter. The C message weighting filter was… … Wikipedia
dBm — For other uses, see DBM (disambiguation). A schematic showing the relationship between dBu (the voltage source) and dBm (the power dissipated as heat by the 600 Ω resistor) dBm (sometimes dBmW) is an abbreviation for the power ratio in decibels… … Wikipedia
DBm — For other uses, see DBM (disambiguation) dBm (sometimes dBmW) is an abbreviation for the power ratio in decibels (dB) of the measured power referenced to one milliwatt (mW). It is used in radio, microwave and fiber optic networks as a convenient… … Wikipedia
ITU-R 468 noise weighting — The ITU R 468 weighting curve (originally defined in CCIR recommendation 468) is widely used when measuring noise in audio systems, especially in the UK, Europe, and former countries of the British Empire such as Australia and South Africa. It is … Wikipedia
Weighting — The process of weighting involves emphasising some aspects of a phenomenon, or of a set of data giving them more weight in the final effect or result. It is analogous to the practice of adding extra weight to one side of a pair of scales to… … Wikipedia
Noise measurement — is carried out in various fields. In acoustics, it can be for the purpose of measuring environmental noise, or part of a test procedure using white noise, or some other specialised form of test signal. In electronics it relates to the sensitivity … Wikipedia
A-weighting — A graph of the A , B , C and D weightings across the frequency range 10 Hz – 20 kHz Video illustrating A weighting by analyzing a sine sweep (contains audio) A weighting is the most … Wikipedia