propagation medium

propagation medium
среда распространения

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "propagation medium" в других словарях:

  • Medium frequency — Frequency range 0.3 to 3 MHz ITU Radio Band Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 …   Wikipedia

  • Medium wave — Main article: Medium frequency Medium wave (MW) is the part of the medium frequency (MF) radio band used mainly for AM broadcasting. For Europe the MW band ranges from 526.5 kHz to 1606.5 kHz[1] and in North America an extended MW… …   Wikipedia

  • propagation — propagational, adj. /prop euh gay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of propagating. 2. the fact of being propagated. 3. multiplication by natural reproduction. 4. transmission or dissemination. [1400 50; late ME propagacyon < L propagation (s. of… …   Universalium

  • Propagation constant — The propagation constant of an electromagnetic wave is a measure of the change undergone by the amplitude of the wave as it propagates in a given direction. The quantity being measured can be the voltage or current in a circuit or a field vector… …   Wikipedia

  • Propagation delay — Networking= Propagation delay is defined as how long it takes for a certain amount of bytes to transfered over a medium. Propagation delay is the distance between the two routers divided by the propagation speed. Propagation delay = d/s where d… …   Wikipedia

  • medium of propagation — sklidimo terpė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. medium of propagation vok. Ausbreitungsmedium, n; Fortpflanzungsmedium, n rus. среда распространения, f pranc. milieu de propagation, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • propagation — noun 1. the spreading of something (a belief or practice) into new regions (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑extension • Derivationally related forms: ↑propagate • Hypernyms: ↑dissemination, ↑airing, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Radio propagation — is a term used to explain how radio waves behave when they are transmitted, or are propagated from one point on the Earth to another. [ H. P. Westman et al, (ed), Reference Data for Radio Engineers, Fifth Edition , 1968, Howard W. Sams and Co.,… …   Wikipedia

  • Wave propagation — is any of the ways in which waves travel through a waveguide.With respect to the direction of the oscillation relative to the propagation direction, we can distinguish between longitudinal wave and transverse waves.For electromagnetic waves,… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-line-of-sight propagation — Non line of sight (NLOS) or near line of sight is a term used to describe radio transmission across a path that is partially obstructed, usually by a physical object in the innermost Fresnel zone. Many types of radio transmissions depend, to… …   Wikipedia

  • List of radio propagation topics — This is a list of radio propagation terms. NOTOC A a index A index aa index active prominence active prominence region (APR) active region active surge region (ASR) active dark filament (ADF) AE index Air Force Geophysics Laboratory (AFGL) arch… …   Wikipedia

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