- projectile weaving machine
микрочелночный ткацкий станок, ткацкий станок с малогабаритным прокладчиком утка
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
textile — /teks tuyl, til/, n. 1. any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting. 2. a material, as a fiber or yarn, used in or suitable for weaving: Glass can be used as a textile. adj. 3. woven or capable of being woven: textile fabrics. 4 … Universalium
Anthropology and Archaeology — ▪ 2009 Introduction Anthropology Among the key developments in 2008 in the field of physical anthropology was the discovery by a large interdisciplinary team of Spanish and American scientists in northern Spain of a partial mandible (lower… … Universalium
Begumgonj Textile Engineering College, Noakhali — Begumgonj Textile Engineering College (BTEC) Motto Textile Means Developing Prosperity Established 2006 Type public Endowment Government, Chittagong University Principal … Wikipedia
computer — computerlike, adj. /keuhm pyooh teuhr/, n. 1. Also called processor. an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations. Cf. analog… … Universalium
Megatron — For other uses, see Megatron (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Pegatron. Megatron is a character from the Transformers franchise, created by toy companies Hasbro and Takara. He is the primary antagonist and leader of the evil faction… … Wikipedia
College of Textile Engineering and Technology — The Bangladesh Textile University is one of reputed engineering educational institutes in Bangladesh Contents 1 History 2 Courses 3 Students 3.1 Admission Procedure and Entry Requirements … Wikipedia
List of Chinese inventions — A bronze Chinese crossbow mechanism with a buttplate (the wooden components have … Wikipedia
MythBusters (2010 season) — Country of origin Australia United States No. of episodes 25 (includes 4 specials) Broadcast Original channel … Wikipedia
Denim — For other uses, see Denim (disambiguation). Denim as used for blue jeans, with a copper rivet to strengthen the pocket … Wikipedia
11th century — As a means of recording the passage of time, the 11th century is the period from 1001 to 1100 in accordance with the Julian calendar in the Christian/Common Era. In the history of European culture, this period is considered the early part of the… … Wikipedia
Dark Elves (Warhammer) — In Games Workshop s Warhammer Fantasy fictional universe, the Dark Elves are a race of harsh, warlike and vicious Elves. They are also known as the Druchii in most Warhammer fiction books. They cruel, sadistic raiders with much disdain for all… … Wikipedia