- projected display
проецируемое изображение
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Display contrast — Contrast in visual perception is the difference in appearance of two or more parts of a field seen simultaneously or successively (hence: brightness contrast, lightness contrast, color contrast, simultaneous contrast, successive contrast, etc.).… … Wikipedia
projected map display — projekcinis žemėlapis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Optiniu prietaisu rodomas žemėlapis ant sienos ar kitokio tinkamo paviršiaus. atitikmenys: angl. projected map display pranc. carte projetée ryšiai: dar žiūrėk – judamojo žemėlapio… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
projected map display — The displayed image of a map or chart projected through an optical or electro optical system onto a viewing surface … Military dictionary
head up display — display of information that is projected directly in a pilot s forward field of view (Military) … English contemporary dictionary
Head-up display — A head up display, or HUD, is any transparent display that presents data without requiring the user to look away from his or her usual viewpont. The origin of the name stems from the user being able to view information with their head up and… … Wikipedia
Volumetric display — A volumetric display device is a graphical display device that forms a visual representation of an object in three physical dimensions, as opposed to the planar image of traditional screens that simulate depth through a number of different visual … Wikipedia
Peripheral Vision Horizon Display — The Peripheral Vision Horizon Display, also called PVHD or the Malcolm Horizon (after inventor Dr. Richard Malcolm), is an aircraft cockpit instrument which assists pilots in maintaining proper attitude. Contents 1 Overview 2 What it does 3… … Wikipedia
Laser lighting display — A laser lighting display or laser light show involves the use of laser light to entertain an audience. A laser light show may consist only of projected laser beams set to music, or may accompany another form of entertainment, typically a rock… … Wikipedia
International Laser Display Association — The International Laser Display Association (ILDA) is a leading worldwide non profit trade association dedicated to advancing the use of laser displays in art, entertainment and education. It was founded in August 1986. ILDA sponsors an annual… … Wikipedia
Volumetric Haptic Display — A Volumetric Haptic Display (VHD) is similar to a (visual) Volumetric Display, but informs touch instead of vision. A VHD projects a touch based representation of a surface onto a 3D volumetric space. Users can feel the projected surface(s),… … Wikipedia
moving map display — A display in which a symbol, representing the vehicle, remains stationary while the map or chart image moves beneath the symbol so that the display simulates the horizontal movement of the vehicle in which it is installed. Occasionally the design … Military dictionary