programmed logic

programmed logic
программируемая логика, программируемые логические схемы

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "programmed logic" в других словарях:

  • programmed logic — programuojamasis loginis grandynas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. programmable logic; programmed logic; variable logic vok. programmierbare Logik, f rus. программируемая логика, f; программируемые логические схемы, f pranc.… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Programmed Logic Automated Teaching Operations — o PLATO fue uno de los primeros sistemas generalizados de asistencia por computadora. Un teclado estándar de un terminal de PLATO IV, aprox 1976. Historia La historia del desarrollo de este sistema surge en las diversas modificaciones que… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Programmed input/output — (PIO) is a method of transferring data between the CPU and a peripheral such as a network adapter or an ATA storage device. In general, programmed I/O happens when software running on the CPU uses instructions that access I/O address space to… …   Wikipedia

  • Programmed Data Processor — (PDP) was the name of a series of minicomputers made by Digital Equipment Corporation. The name PDP intentionally avoided the use of the term computer because, at the time of the first PDPs, computers had a reputation of being large, complicated …   Wikipedia

  • Logic bomb — A logic bomb is a piece of code intentionally inserted into a software system that will set off a malicious function when specified conditions are met. For example, a programmer may hide a piece of code that starts deleting files (such as a… …   Wikipedia

  • programmable logic — programuojamasis loginis grandynas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. programmable logic; programmed logic; variable logic vok. programmierbare Logik, f rus. программируемая логика, f; программируемые логические схемы, f pranc.… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • variable logic — programuojamasis loginis grandynas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. programmable logic; programmed logic; variable logic vok. programmierbare Logik, f rus. программируемая логика, f; программируемые логические схемы, f pranc.… …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Programmable logic device — A programmable logic device or PLD is an electronic component used to build reconfigurable digital circuits. Unlike a logic gate, which has a fixed function, a PLD has an undefined function at the time of manufacture. Before the PLD can be used… …   Wikipedia

  • Programmable Array Logic — The term Programmable Array Logic (PAL) is used to describe a family of programmable logic device semiconductors used to implement logic functions in digital circuits introduced by Monolithic Memories, Inc. (MMI) in March 1978.cite journal |… …   Wikipedia

  • Programmable logic controller — A programmable logic controller (PLC) or programmable controller is a digital computer used for automation of industrial processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines. PLCs are used in many different industries and machines… …   Wikipedia

  • Programmable logic array — A programmable logic array (PLA) is a programmable device used to implement combinational logic circuits. The PLA has a set of programmable AND gate planes, which link to a set of programmable OR gate planes, which can then be conditionally… …   Wikipedia

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