
1) профиль || профилировать
2) контур; очертание
3) вертикальный разрез; сечение
4) шаблон || обрабатывать по шаблону
5) обрабатывать на копировальном станке
6) метал. производить фасонную обработку
7) обноска (при устройстве фундаментов)
8) идти, следуя профилю волны (о СПК)
actual profile
aeromagnetic profile
apparent resistivity profile
assigned profile
backwater profile
blade profile
body profile
Bouger gravity profile
broadside profile
cab low profile
cam profile
carrier-trapping profile
concave tooth profile
concentration depth profile
concentration profile
constant velocity profile
convergent-divergent profile
convex tooth profile
cross profile
dagger profile
deep profile
depth profile
depth-sounding profile
die profile
diffusion profile
dopant profile
electromagnetic profile
end-on profile
equivalent surface profile
etch profile
explosion profile
fan profile
final required profile
fixed-transmitter profile
flat velocity profile
flight path profile
flood profile
floor profile
free-air gravity profile
geologic profile
geomagnetic profile
graded-index profile
gravity profile
ground profile
haul profile
horizontal-loop profile
impurity concentration profile
inboard profile
index profile
injection profile
in-line profile
intended profile
interlocked profiles
intricate profile
lithological well profile
load profile
logging profile
longitudinal profile
magnetotelluric profile
melting profile
multifrequency profile
multipath profile
nappe-shaped profile
nominal profile
normal tooth rake profile
offshore profile
operational profile
original profile
outboard profile
out-of-roundness profile
parallel roll profile
parallel-line profile
part profile
path profile
physical profile
pipeline route profile
polygon profile
potential profile
pressure profile
profile of slope
profile of water wave
program profile
radiation damage profile
radiometric profile
rail profile
railhead profile
reconnaissance profile
reference profile
reflection profile
refraction profile
regional profile
resistivity expansion profile
reversed profile
river-bed profile
roadway profile
roll profile
roof profile
salinity profile
scimitar profile
sea profile
seismic profile
self-potential profile
skew-back profile
slat profile
soil profile
spillway profile
step-index profile
stored limit profile
subsidence profile
subsurface electrical profile
surface profile
survey profile
telluric profile
temperature profile
terminal profiles
thermal profile
three-dimensional profile
tire profile
tongue profile
tooth profile
track profile
two-dimensional profile
undercut profile
user profiles
velocity profile
vertical resistivity profile
vertical seismic profile
vertical-loop profile
water-surface profile
well profile
wheel profile
wide profile
worn profile

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "profile" в других словарях:

  • Profile — may refer to:;Computing and technology * Profile (UML), a concept in Unified Modeling Language * Apple ProFile, a hard drive * User profile, a feature of the Microsoft Windows operating system * FilePro, a DBMS and RAD system originally published …   Wikipedia

  • Profile 21 — ( he. פרופיל 21) is a code used by the military of Israel to classify Israelis who are deemed to have physical or psychological disabilities making them permanently unfit for military service. Such individuals can still volunteer for service,… …   Wikipedia

  • profilé — profilé, ée [ prɔfile ] adj. et n. m. • 1875; de profiler ♦ Auquel on a donné un profil précis. Aile profilée. Acier profilé, laminé suivant un profil déterminé. ♢ N. m. (1927) Pièce fabriquée suivant un profil déterminé. Profilés métalliques :… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • profile — ► NOUN 1) an outline of something, especially a face, as seen from one side. 2) a short descriptive article about someone. 3) the extent to which a person or organization attracts public notice: her high profile as an opera star. ► VERB 1)… …   English terms dictionary

  • profile — [prō′fīl΄] n. [It profilo < profilare, to outline < pro (< L pro ), before + filo (< L filum), thread, line: see PRO1 & FILE1] 1. a) a side view of the face b) a drawing of such a view …   English World dictionary

  • Profile — Pro file, n. [It. profilo, fr. L. pro before + filum a thread, an outline, shape: cf. F. profil. See {File} arow, and cf. {Purfle}, {Purl}, a fringe.] 1. An outline, or contour; as, the profile of an apple. [1913 Webster] 2. (Paint & Sculp.) A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Profile — Pro file, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Profiled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Profiling}] [Cf. F. profiler, It. profilare. See {Profile}, n.] 1. to draw the outline of; to draw in profile, as an architectural member. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mech.) To shape the outline… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Profile — Profile, geologische, vertikale, nach dem Mittelpunkt der Erde gerichtete Schnittflächen durch die Erdkruste zur Veranschaulichung ihres Aufbaues und der Gliederung in die verschiedenen Schichten und Gesteine. Die sogenannten schematischen oder… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • profile — (n.) 1650s, a drawing of the outline of anything, from It. profilo a drawing in outline, from profilare to draw in outline, from pro forth (see PRO (Cf. pro )) + filare draw out, spin, from L.L. filare to spin, draw out a line, from filum …   Etymology dictionary

  • profile — [n1] drawing of outline contour, delineation, figuration, figure, form, likeness, line, lineament, lineation, portrait, shadow, shape, side view, silhouette, sketch; concepts 259,625 profile [n2] description, characterization analysis, biography …   New thesaurus

  • profile — index brief, characterize, configuration (form), contour (outline), contour (shape), cross sect …   Law dictionary

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