- productivity test
испытание (скважины) на продуктивность
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Test-driven development — (TDD ) is a software development technique consisting of short iterations where new test cases covering the desired improvement or new functionality are written first, then the production code necessary to pass the tests is implemented, and… … Wikipedia
Test harness — In software testing, a test harness or automated test framework is a collection of software and test data configured to test a program unit by running it under varying conditions and monitoring its behavior and outputs. It has two main parts: the … Wikipedia
Migraine Disability Assessment Test — The MIDAS or Migraine Disability Assessment Test is a test used by doctors to determine how severely impacted a patient s life is by migraines. Patients are asked questions about the frequency and duration of their headaches as well as how often… … Wikipedia
Drug test — For other uses, see Drug testing (disambiguation). Drug test Diagnostics To minimize opportunities for tampering, a direct line of sight between the observer and the specimen bottle must be maintained during collection of a urine sample … Wikipedia
Amiga productivity software — This article is a split of main article Amiga software and refers to any productivity software that run on Amiga line of computers.See also related articles Amiga Internet and communications software and Amiga support and maintenance software for … Wikipedia
drill-stem test — noun : a test for determining productivity of an oil or gas well by means of sampling the flow while the drill stem is still in the bore … Useful english dictionary
PCMark — is a computer benchmark tool developed by Futuremark to test the performance of a PC at the system and component level. In most cases the tests in PCMark are designed to represent typical home user workloads. Running PCMark produces a score with… … Wikipedia
исследования продуктивности пласта — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN formation productivity test … Справочник технического переводчика
Desert Research and Technology Studies — Test subject Dean Eppler, working at the rear of a science trailer during Desert RATS 2004 NASA s Desert Research and Technology Studies (Desert RATS or D RATS) is a group of teams which perform an annual series of field trials seeking to… … Wikipedia
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium