production unit
Смотреть что такое "production unit" в других словарях:
production-unit method — units of production method of depreciation A method of computing the depreciation charge for a period on a piece of machinery in which the depreciation charge is based on the number of production units manufactured by the machine. When the… … Accounting dictionary
production-unit method — units of production method of depreciation A method of computing the depreciation charge for a period on a piece of machinery in which the depreciation charge is based on the number of production units manufactured by the machine. When the… … Big dictionary of business and management
production unit — /prə dʌkʃən ˌju:nɪt/ noun a separate small group of workers producing a product … Marketing dictionary in english
production unit — /prə dʌkʃən ˌju:nɪt/ noun a separate small group of workers producing a product … Dictionary of banking and finance
organic production unit — ekologinės gamybos vienetas statusas Aprobuotas sritis ekologinis ūkininkavimas apibrėžtis Visas ekologinės gamybos ūkyje naudojamas turtas, įskaitant su ekologine gamyba susijusių pagalbinių medžiagų ir gamybos priemonių laikymo ir gamybines… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
unit — More than one class of securities traded together ( e.g., one common share and three subscription warrants ). Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Securities representing a portion of assets pooled by investors: run by a management company whose share… … Financial and business terms
Unit record equipment — Before the advent of electronic computers, data processing was performed using electromechanical devices called unit record equipment, electric accounting machines (EAM) or tabulating machines. Unit record machines were as ubiquitous in industry… … Wikipedia
Unit Cost — The cost incurred by a company to produce, store and sell one unit of a particular product. Unit costs include all fixed costs (i.e. plant and equipment) and all variable costs (labor, materials, etc.) involved in production. Unit cost is an… … Investment dictionary
Production team (China) — A production team (Chinese:生産隊; pinyin:shēng chǎn duì) was formerly the basic accounting and farm production unit in the people s commune system in People s Republic of China from 1958 to 1984. Production teams were largely disbanded during the… … Wikipedia
Production brigade — A production brigade was formerly the basic accounting and farm production unit in the people s commune system. Production teams were largely disbanded during the agricultural reforms of 1982 85. In the administrative hierarchy, the team was the… … Wikipedia
unit — An individual item that is not further divided in smaller elements for analytical or operational purposes. In production processes, for example, manufactured items are counted in units (which typically represent a finished *consumer good) and… … Auditor's dictionary