Proctor compaction test

Proctor compaction test
определение плотности грунта методом Проктора

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "Proctor compaction test" в других словарях:

  • Proctor compaction test — The Proctor compaction test and the related modified Proctor compaction test, named for engineer Ralph R. Proctor (1933), are tests to determine the maximum practically achievable density of soils and aggregates, and are frequently used in… …   Wikipedia

  • Proctor (disambiguation) — A Proctor is the name of certain important university officials. Proctor is also the title of an advocate in a court of admiralty.The Percival Proctor was a British radio trainer and communications aircraft of the Second World War, which remained …   Wikipedia

  • Soil compaction — occurs when weight of livestock or heavy machinery compresses soil, causing it to lose pore space. Affected soils become less able to absorb rainfall, thus increasing runoff and erosion. Plants have difficulty in compacted soil because the… …   Wikipedia

  • Cone penetration test — A CPT truck operated by the USGS. The cone penetration test (CPT) is an in situ testing method used to determine the geotechnical engineering properties of soils and delineating soil stratigraphy. It was initially developed in the 1950s at the… …   Wikipedia

  • Essai proctor — L essai Proctor, de l ingénieur Ralph R. Proctor (1933) est un essai qui permet de déterminer la densité maximale du sol et des granulats analysés. Il est fréquemment utilisé en ingénierie géotechnique et en laboratoire d analyse de sol. L essai… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Essai Proctor — L essai Proctor, de l ingénieur Ralph R. Proctor (1933) est un essai qui permet de déterminer la densité maximale du sol et des granulats analysés. Il est fréquemment utilisé en ingénierie géotechnique et en laboratoire d analyse de sol. Sommaire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ralph R. Proctor — Ralph Roscoe Proctor (* 16. Dezember 1894 in Grayslake; † 12. Oktober 1962) war ein US amerikanischer Bauingenieur, bekannt als Erfinder des Proctor Versuchs. Proctor war nach zwei Jahren Studium des Bauingenieurwesens an der University of… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Porosity — or void fraction is a measure of the void (i.e., empty ) spaces in a material, and is a fraction of the volume of voids over the total volume, between 0–1, or as a percentage between 0–100%. The term is used in multiple fields including… …   Wikipedia

  • Consolidation (soil) — Consolidation is a process by which soils decrease in volume. According to Karl Terzaghi consolidation is any process which involves decrease in water content of a saturated soil without replacement of water by air. [citation needed] In general… …   Wikipedia

  • Hydrometer — Not to be confused with Hygrometer. Hydrometer from Practical Physics Schematic drawing of a hydrometer. The lower the densi …   Wikipedia

  • Angle of repose — For the Wallace Stegner novel, see Angle of Repose (novel). For the friction angle between two solid objects, see Friction. For the Sleepytime Gorilla Museum song of the same name, see In Glorious Times. Angle of repose The angle of repose or,… …   Wikipedia

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