processing tank

processing tank
ба(чо)к с обрабатывающим раствором

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "processing tank" в других словарях:

  • Tank leaching — Tank leaching, also called vat leaching, is a hydrometallurgical method of extracting valuable material (usually metals) from ore. It involves placing ore, usually after size reduction and classification, in large tanks or vats containing a… …   Wikipedia

  • Tank car — Modern tank cars carry all types of liquid and gaseous commodites. A tank car (UIC: tank wagon) is a type of railroad (UIC: railway) rolling stock designed to transport liquid and gaseous commodities. Contents …   Wikipedia

  • Photographic processing — is the chemical means by which photographic film and paper is treated after photographic exposure to produce a negative or positive image. Photographic processing transforms the latent image into a visible image, makes this permanent and renders… …   Wikipedia

  • Rendering (food processing) — Rendering is a process that converts waste animal tissue into stable, value added materials. Rendering can refer to any processing of animal byproducts into more useful materials, or more narrowly to the rendering of whole animal fatty tissue… …   Wikipedia

  • Salt Waste Processing Facility — The Salt Waste Processing Facility (SWPF) is a proposed nuclear waste treatment facility for the United States Department of Energy s Nuclear Reservation Savannah River Site in Aiken, South Carolina. It is being designed and constructed by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Developing tank — A developing tank is a light tight container used for developing film. A developing tank allows photographic film to be developed in a daylight environment. This is useful because most film is panchromatic and therefore can not be exposed to any… …   Wikipedia

  • fat and oil processing — ▪ chemistry Introduction       method by which animal and plant substances are prepared for eating by humans.       The oil and fat products used for edible purposes can be divided into two distinct classes: liquid oils, such as olive oil, peanut …   Universalium

  • Orbiter Processing Facility — Space Shuttle Columbia at the entrance of an Orbiter Processing Facility An Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) was one of three hangars where U.S. space shuttle orbiters underwent maintenance between flights. All three such facilities, OPF 1, OPF… …   Wikipedia

  • poultry processing — Introduction       preparation of meat from various types of fowl (poultry) for consumption by humans.       Poultry is a major source of consumable animal protein. For example, per capita consumption of poultry in the United States has more than …   Universalium

  • mineral processing — or ore dressing Mechanical treatment of crude ores to separate the valuable minerals. Mineral processing was at first applied only to ores of precious metals but later came to be used to recover other metals and nonmetallic minerals. It is also… …   Universalium

  • Bolo (tank) — A Bolo is a fictional type of artificially intelligent super heavy tank. They were first imagined by Keith Laumer, and have since been featured in science fiction novels and short stories by him and others. Description and fictional historyEarly… …   Wikipedia

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