
1) зонд || зондировать
3) штырь (в волноводе)
4) эл. элемент связи
5) проба; образец
6) исследовать
7) электрод (картонажного микрозонда)
3-D probe
actinometric probe
adjustable probe
aircraft-launched probe
analyzer probe
atmospheric probe
atmospheric turbulence probe
atom probe
balloon-borne probe
bathythermograph probe
borehole probe
calibrated pickup probe
capacitive probe
charge-analyzing probe
charge-temperature probe
chemiluminescent ozone probe
cloud physics probe
compatible decking probe
conductive fluid probe
conductivity-temperature-depth probe
coupling probe
current probe
deep probe
density probe
detector probe
discharge probe
docking probe
Earth-circling probe
eddy current probe
electrical probe
electron-beam probe
electrostatic probe
entry probe
feed probe
filtered infrared probe
five-way probe
float probe
flow measuring probe
flyby probe
freely sinking probe
gage probe
gas sampling probe
guided probe
gust probe
Hall probe
hand-held probe
heat flow probe
high-field probe
high-voltage probe
hot probe
infrared telemetry touch probe
in-situ probe
interplanetary probe
interstellar probe
landing probe
lengthways positioning probe
lidar pressure probe
lighter-than-air probe
logic probe
LVDT probe
magnetic probe
magnetic survey probe
measuring probe
multiparameter probe
nondestructive testing probe
parachuted aspiration probe
part probe
pickup probe
piercing probe
potential probe
pyrometric probe
radio-frequency probe
radioisotopic probe
radiometer probe
receiver probe
Renishaw probe
resistivity probe
rocket probe
salinity-temperature-depth probe
solar probe
source probe
space probe
spindle-mounted probe
spring contact probe
standard docking probe
stream pressure probe
subsurface temperature probe
surface probe
table-mounted probe
temperature probe
test probe
thermocouple probe
thermometer probe
three-dimensional hot-film probe
three-dimensional hot-wire probe
three-dimensional measuring probe
total pressure probe
touch probe
tracing probe
transmitter probe
traversing in-core probe
tuning probe
turret-mounted probe
ultrasonic probe
wall-temperature probe

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "probe" в других словарях:

  • probe — probe …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • probe — [ prɔb ] adj. • XVIe, repris 1788; lat. probus ♦ Littér. Qui fait preuve de probité dans sa conduite. ⇒ 1. droit, honnête, incorruptible, intègre. « Tel était le dédale effroyable où les passions engageaient un des hommes les plus probes jusqu… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Probe — may refer to:Media and entertainment* Probe (1972 TV pilot), a pilot for the sci fi series Search * Probe (TV series), a 1988 series * Probe (Philippine TV series) * Probe Records, a record label * Probe Entertainment, a British videogame… …   Wikipedia

  • Probe 16 — Manufacturer Adams Brothers Production 1969 Successor Probe 2001 Class …   Wikipedia

  • Probe — Probe, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Probed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Probing}.] [L. probare to try, examine. See {Prove}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To examine, as a wound, an ulcer, or some cavity of the body, with a probe. [1913 Webster] 2. Fig.: to search to the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Probe — Probe, n. (Surg.) An instrument for examining the depth or other circumstances of a wound, ulcer, or cavity, or the direction of a sinus, of for exploring for bullets, for stones in the bladder, etc. Parr. [1913 Webster] {Probe scissors}, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Probe — Probe, aus einem stückigen, körnigen oder pulverigen Material entnommene kleine Quantität, welche die durchschnittliche Beschaffenheit des gesamten Materials besitzt. Läßt man Proben an verschiedenen Stellen des Materials mit der Hand entnehmen… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • probe# — probe n investigation, *inquiry, inquisition, inquest, research probe vb pierce, penetrate, *enter Analogous words: examine, inspect, *scrutinize: *prove, try, test …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Probe — »Prüfung, Untersuchung; Beweisverfahren; Bewährung‹sversuch›; Muster, Teststück; (die einer künstlerischen Darbietung vorausgehende) Probeaufführung«: Das seit dem 15. Jh. bezeugte Substantiv ist aus mlat. proba »Prüfung, Untersuchung;… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • probe — [n] investigation delving, detection, examination, exploration, fishing expedition*, inquest, inquiry, inquisition, legwork*, probing, quest, research, scrutiny, study, third degree*; concepts 31,103,216,290 probe [v] explore, investigate ask,… …   New thesaurus

  • Probe — [Wichtig (Rating 3200 5600)] Bsp.: • Die Theatergruppe hat eine Probe von Shakespeares Macbeth …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

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