- probabilistic behavior
вероятностное поведение
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
NESSUS Probabilistic Analysis Software — For other uses of the word Nessus , please refer to Nessus. NESSUS is a general purpose, probabilistic analysis program that simulates variations and uncertainties in loads, geometry, material behavior and other user defined inputs to compute… … Wikipedia
Sexual dimorphism measures — Although the subject of sexual dimorphism is not in itself controversial, the measures by which it is assessed differ widely. Most of the measures are used on the assumption that a random variable is considered so that probability distributions… … Wikipedia
Business Process Discovery — I. Up front Definition and Summary Business Process Discovery (BPD) (also known as process mining) is a set of techniques that automatically construct a depiction of an organization’s current business processes. These techniques use evidence… … Wikipedia
вероятностное поведение — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN probabilistic behavior … Справочник технического переводчика
Info-gap decision theory — is a non probabilistic decision theory that seeks to optimize robustness to failure – or opportuneness for windfall – under severe uncertainty,[1][2] in particular applying sensitivity analysis of the stability radius type[3] to perturbations in… … Wikipedia
Ant colony optimization algorithms — Ant behavior was the inspiration for the metaheuristic optimization technique. In computer science and operations research, the ant colony optimization algorithm (ACO) is a probabilistic technique for solving computational problems which can be… … Wikipedia
Quantum economy — – this notion first occurred in an unpublished work by Anatoly V Kondratenko, Physical Modeling of Economic Systems. Classical and Quantum Economies that was put on the Internet in English in Novosibirsk in 2005. Main notionsQuantum economy in… … Wikipedia
Randomized algorithm — Part of a series on Probabilistic data structures Bloom filter · Skip list … Wikipedia
Artificial intelligence — AI redirects here. For other uses, see Ai. For other uses, see Artificial intelligence (disambiguation). TOPIO, a humanoid robot, played table tennis at Tokyo International Robot Exhibition (IREX) 2009.[1] Artificial intelligence ( … Wikipedia
Monte Carlo method — Not to be confused with Monte Carlo algorithm. Computational physics … Wikipedia
The Nature of Rationality — is an exploration of practical rationality written by Robert Nozick and published in 1993. It views human rationality as an evolutionary adaptation. Its delimited purpose and function may be responsible for biases and blind spots, possibly… … Wikipedia