private-line network
Смотреть что такое "private-line network" в других словарях:
Private line — In wired telephony, a private line or tie line is a service that involves dedicated circuits, private switching arrangements, and/or predefined transmission paths, whether virtual or physical, which provide communications between specific… … Wikipedia
Ethernet Private Line — (EPL) is a data service defined by the Metro Ethernet Forum, providing a point to point Ethernet connection between a pair of dedicated User Network Interfaces (UNIs), with a high degree of transparency.EPL service is specified using an E Line… … Wikipedia
Ethernet Virtual Private Line — (EVPL) is a data service defined by the Metro Ethernet Forum, providing a point to point Ethernet connection between a pair of User Network Interfaces (UNIs).EVPL service is specified using an E Line service type, very similar to a Ethernet… … Wikipedia
advanced private line termination — (APLT) AT&T term referring to a PBX user s ability to access all the services of an Enhanced Private Switched Communications Services (EPCS) network … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Network Rail — Not to be confused with National Rail. Network Rail Type Company limited by guarantee / State owned company Industry Railway infrastructure provision … Wikipedia
Private branch exchange — A private branch exchange (PBX) is a telephone exchange that serves a particular business or office, as opposed to one that a common carrier or telephone company operates for many businesses or for the general public. PBXs are also referred to as … Wikipedia
Network SouthEast — Network SouthEast … Wikipedia
Network 2011 — was a plan for future transit expansion created in 1985 by the Toronto Transit Commission. It was centred on three proposed subway lines: the Downtown Relief Line, Eglinton West Line, and the Sheppard Line. Eventually only a portion of the… … Wikipedia
Network governance — (also called “network organization”,[1] “networks forms of organization”,[2] “interfirm networks”, “organization networks”,[3]” flexible specialization”,[4] “network centric organisation” and “quasi firms” … Wikipedia
Network Convergence — refers to the provision of telephone, video and data communication services within a single network. In other words, one pipe is used to deliver all forms of communication services. The process of Network Convergence is primarily driven by… … Wikipedia
Private equity in the 21st century — relates to one of the major periods in the history of private equity and venture capital. Within the broader private equity industry, two distinct sub industries, leveraged buyouts and venture capital experienced growth along parallel although… … Wikipedia