private key
Смотреть что такое "private key" в других словарях:
private key — One of two keys used in public key encryption. The user keeps the private key secret and uses it to encrypt digital signatures on out going messages and to decrypt incoming messages. See also public key encryption … Dictionary of networking
Private Key — Entschlüsselung mit geheimem Schlüssel Unter einem geheimen Schlüssel (englisch secret key) versteht man in der Kryptologie Schlüssel, die nur ihren legitimen Inhabern bekannt sein dürfen, und diese in die Lage versetzen, einen Geheimtext in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
private key — privatusis raktas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Vienas raktas iš raktų poros, naudojamas ↑kriptografijoje viešuoju raktu. Privatusis raktas laikomas paslaptyje ir yra naudojamas iššifruoti duomenims, kurie buvo ↑užšifruoti su jį… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
private key cryptography — UK US noun [uncountable] business, computing a way of keeping Internet messages secret in which a single key (=letter or number) changes the message into code and back again Thesaurus: codes and codificationhyponym communicating by email or text… … Useful english dictionary
private key — noun The unpublished key in a cryptographic system that uses two keys. See Also: public key, public key cryptography … Wiktionary
private key — secret code, key used to decode messages which were encrypted using a suitable public key … English contemporary dictionary
Private\ Key — Privater, geheimer Schlüssel für die asymmetrische Verschlüsselung, der vom Client erzeugt wird Digitale Signatur, Public Key, Verschlüsselung … Online-Wörterbuch Deutsch-Lexikon
private key cryptography — UK / US noun [uncountable] business, computing a way of keeping Internet messages secret in which a single key (= letter or number) changes the message into code and back again … English dictionary
PRIVATE KEY — 1. закрытый ключ, используемый для расшифровки сообщений, зашифрованных открытым ключом; … Словарь электронного бизнеса
private key — … Useful english dictionary
Offline private key protocol — The offline private key protocol (OPKP) is a cryptographic protocol to prevent unauthorized access to back up or archive data. The protocol results in a public key that can be used to encrypt data and an offline private key that can later be used … Wikipedia