principle of argument

principle of argument
принцип аргумента

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "principle of argument" в других словарях:

  • argument — ar·gu·ment n 1: a reason or the reasoning given for or against a matter under discussion compare evidence, proof 2: the act or process of arguing, reasoning, or discussing; esp: oral argum …   Law dictionary

  • Argument dependent name lookup — (häufig kurz Argument dependent lookup oder ADL, zu deutsch argumentabhängige Namensauflösung) ist eine Technik, um in Programmiersprachen mit Unterstützung sowohl von Namensräumen als auch freien Funktionen unter bestimmten Umständen Symbole aus …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Argument principle — In complex analysis, the Argument principle (or Cauchy s argument principle) states that if f ( z ) is a meromorphic function inside and on some closed contour C , with f having no zeros or poles on C , then the following formula holds: oint {C}… …   Wikipedia

  • Principle of maximum entropy — This article is about the probability theoretic principle. For the classifier in machine learning, see maximum entropy classifier. For other uses, see maximum entropy (disambiguation). Bayesian statistics Theory Bayesian probability Probability… …   Wikipedia

  • Principle of explosion — The principle of explosion is the law of classical logic and a few other systems (e.g., intuitionistic logic) according to which anything follows from a contradiction i.e., once you have asserted a contradiction, you can infer any proposition, or …   Wikipedia

  • Principle of sufficient reason — The principle of sufficient reason (also called the Causal Doctrine) states that anything that happens does so for a definite reason. In virtue of which no fact can be real or no statement true unless it has sufficient reason why it should be… …   Wikipedia

  • Principle of contradiction — In logic, the Principle of contradiction ( principium contradictionis in Latin) is the second of the so called three classic laws of thought. The oldest statement of the law is that contradictory statements cannot both at the same time be true, e …   Wikipedia

  • Principle of double effect — Part of a series on St. Thomas Aquinas …   Wikipedia

  • argument, cosmological —    The cosmological argument argues for the existence of God from the starting point of the existence of the cosmos (or, in van Inwagen s formulation, the possibility of the existence of the cosmos). The argument typically proceeds by way of the… …   Christian Philosophy

  • Argument dependent name lookup — In the C++ programming language, Koenig lookup, also known as argument dependent lookup (ADL), or argument dependent name lookup, applies to the lookup of an unqualified function name depending on the types of the arguments given to the function… …   Wikipedia

  • Argument from religious experience — The Argument from religious experience is an argument for the existence of God, as against materialism.Outline logical structureIts logical structure is essentially as follows: # There are compelling reasons for considering at least some… …   Wikipedia

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