- principal item
главный элемент
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
principal item — index feature (special attraction) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
principal items — End items and replacement assemblies of such importance that management techniques require centralized individual item management throughout the supply system, to include depot level, base level, and items in the hands of using units. These… … Military dictionary
staple — staple1 /stay peuhl/, n., v., stapled, stapling. n. 1. a short piece of wire bent so as to bind together papers, sections of a book, or the like, by driving the ends through the sheets and clinching them on the other side. 2. a similar, often U… … Universalium
feature — I (appearance) noun aspect, countenance, external appearance, form, lineament, lineamentum, lines, look, outward appearance, physiognomy, shape, visage II (characteristic) noun aspect, attribute, component, constituent, detail, distinction,… … Law dictionary
staple — I sta•ple [[t]ˈsteɪ pəl[/t]] n. v. pled, pling 1) a short piece of wire bent so as to bind together papers or the like by driving the ends through the sheets and clinching them on the other side 2) bui a similar, oftenU shaped piece of wire or… … From formal English to slang
star — n. & v. n. 1 a celestial body appearing as a luminous point in the night sky. 2 (in full fixed star) such a body so far from the earth as to appear motionless (cf. PLANET, COMET). 3 a large naturally luminous gaseous body such as the sun is. 4 a… … Useful english dictionary
Club Atlético Bucaramanga Corporación Deportiva — Atlético Bucaramanga Nombre completo Club Atlético Bucaramanga Corporación Deportiva[1] Apodo(s) Leopardos, Canarios, Auriverdes, Búcaros … Wikipedia Español
Liberia — Liberian, adj., n. /luy bear ee euh/, n. a republic in W Africa: founded by freed American slaves 1822. 2,602,068; ab. 43,000 sq. mi. (111,000 sq. km). Cap.: Monrovia. * * * Liberia Introduction Liberia Background: Seven years of civil strife… … Universalium
staple — I. /ˈsteɪpəl / (say staypuhl) noun 1. a bent piece of wire used to bind papers, sections of a book, etc., together. 2. a U shaped or other piece of metal with pointed ends for driving into a surface to hold a hasp, hook, pin, bolt, or the like. 3 …
Northern Mindanao College of Arts, Science and Technology — Infobox University name = Northern Mindanao College of Arts, Science, and Technology motto = Write Motto Here (Knowledge Valor Piety), Witness to the Word established = 1595 type = Public, public dean = Anonymous , Phd city = Cabadbaran province … Wikipedia
Camino de Santiago Francés — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Camino de Santiago Francés o Franco Navarro es sin duda alguna la ruta jacobea más transitada, tanto más, cuanto más nos aproximamos a la ciudad compostelana, pues casi todas las rutas que recorren España,… … Wikipedia Español