principal current
Смотреть что такое "principal current" в других словарях:
principal current — pagrindinė srovė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. principal current vok. Hauptstrom, m rus. основной ток, m pranc. courant principal, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Principal Speaker — Principal Speakers were the public spokespersons of the Green Party of England and Wales but have since been replaced in the party by a national Leader and Deputy Leader. There were two Principal Speakers, one female and one male, who were… … Wikipedia
Current Face — The current par value of a mortgage backed security (MBS). Current face is determined by multiplying the current pool factor by the mortgage backed security s original face value. A mortgage backed security s current face represents the… … Investment dictionary
Principal Financial Group — Infobox Company | company name = Principal Financial Group, Inc. company company type = Public (NYSE: [ PFG] ) company slogan = We ll give you an edge foundation = Des Moines, Iowa USA,… … Wikipedia
current yield — The ratio of the coupon to the current market price of the debt instrument. Chicago Board of Trade glossary (1) For bonds, a measure of the simple interest annual yield for investments with coupon rates and with maturities of one year or more. To … Financial and business terms
Current characters of Home and Away — Home and Away is an Australian soap opera that has been broadcast on Seven Network since January 1988. Most of the characters appearing in it are residents of the fictional town of Summer Bay. The following characters currently appear in the show … Wikipedia
principal voltage-current characteristic — pagrindinė voltamperinė charakteristika statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. principal voltage current characteristic vok. Haupt Strom Spannungs Kennlinie, f rus. основная вольт амперная характеристика, f pranc. caractéristique courant … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Principal only (PO) — A mortgage backed security in which the holder receives only principal cash flows on the underlying mortgage pool. The principal only portion of a stripped MBS. For PO securities, all of the principal distribution due from the underlying… … Financial and business terms
current face — The total amount of the current principal outstanding of the loans in an MBS pool. The current face is always equal to the product of the original face multiplied by the current factor. Analogous to the par value of a conventional debt security.… … Financial and business terms
principal only — ( PO) A mortgage backed security ( mortgage backed securities)( MBS) whose holder receives only principal cash flows on the underlying mortgage pool. All the principal distribution due from the underlying … Financial and business terms
principal stream — pagrindinė srovė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. basic current; main stream; principal stream vok. Grundfluß, m; Hauptstrom, m rus. основной поток, m; основной ток, m pranc. courant de base, m; courant principal, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas