- prime [priming] coat
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
priming coat — noun the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface • Syn: ↑flat coat, ↑ground, ↑primer, ↑priming, ↑primer coat, ↑undercoat • Derivationally related forms: ↑undercoat ( … Useful english dictionary
prime´ness — prime1 «prym», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. first in rank or importance; chief: »His prime object was to get enough to eat. The community s prime need is a new school. SYNONYM(S): principal. 2. Figurative. first in time or order; primary;… … Useful english dictionary
coat — Synonyms and related words: Eton jacket, Leatherette, Leatheroid, Mao jacket, anorak, apply paint, bedaub, bedizen, begild, besmear, blanket, blazer, blouse, body coat, bolero, bomber jacket, bonnet, boot, breech, bristle, brush on paint, butter … Moby Thesaurus
prime — primeness, n. /pruym/, adj., n., v., primed, priming. adj. 1. of the first importance; demanding the fullest consideration: a prime requisite. 2. of the greatest relevance or significance: a prime example. 3. of the highest eminence or rank: the… … Universalium
coat — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. cover, crust; plaster, paint, varnish, glaze; plate; protect. n. jacket, overcoat, ulster, sack, cutaway, tunic; coating; tegument, shell, envelope, skin, peel, rind, surface, cover. See clothing,… … English dictionary for students
prime — {{11}}prime (adj.) late 14c., from L. primus first, from pre Italic *prismos, superl. of Old L. pri before, from PIE root *per beyond, *pro before (see PRE (Cf. pre )). To prime a pump (c.1840) meant to pour water down the tube, which saturated… … Etymology dictionary
prime — /praɪm / (say pruym) adjective 1. first in importance, excellence, or value. 2. first or highest in rank, dignity, or authority; chief; principal; main: the prime minister. 3. first in comparison with others. 4. of the first grade or best quality …
priming — Synonyms and related words: blasting cap, calcimining, cap, chromogen, coat, coat of paint, coating, color, color filter, color gelatin, colorant, coloring, covering, cramming, dead color, detonating powder, detonator, distemper, drier, dye,… … Moby Thesaurus
priming — 1. n. 1 a mixture used by painters for a preparatory coat. 2 a preparation of sugar added to beer. 3 a gunpowder placed in the pan of a firearm. b a train of powder connecting the fuse with the charge in blasting etc. 2. n. an acceleration of the … Useful english dictionary
priming — /pruy ming/, n. 1. the powder or other material used to ignite a charge. 2. the act of a person or thing that primes. 3. material used as a primer, or a first coat or layer of paint, size, etc. [1590 1600; PRIME + ING1] * * * … Universalium
flat coat — noun the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface • Syn: ↑ground, ↑primer, ↑priming, ↑primer coat, ↑priming coat, ↑undercoat • Derivationally related forms: ↑undercoat ( … Useful english dictionary