- primary filter
фильтр предварительной (грубой) очистки
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Filter fluorometer — A filter fluorometer is a type of fluorometer that may be employed in fluorescence spectroscopy.FiltersThere are two filters for the fluorometer: #The primary filter or excitation filter or incident light filter isolates the wavelength that will… … Wikipedia
filter — 01. We have decided to buy a water [filter] for our tap at home in order to be sure our drinking water is clean. 02. Some whales eat by [filtering] water through their mouths, and swallowing the small animals that are trapped by a structure known … Grammatical examples in English
Primary source — [ [http://www.lib.umd.edu/guides/primary sources.html Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources, UM Libraries] ] [ [http://www.library.jcu.edu.au/LibraryGuides/primsrcs.shtml JCU Primary, Secondary Tertiary Sources] ] is a term used in a number of… … Wikipedia
Filter driver — A filter driver is a Microsoft Windows driver that adds value to peripheral devices or supports a specialized device in the personal computer. It is driver/program/module that is inserted into the existing driver stack to perform some specific… … Wikipedia
Primary Offering — Unter einem Börsengang, engl. Initial Public Offering oder kurz IPO (früher auch „Going Public“ genannt) oder auch Primary Offering, versteht man das erstmalige Angebot der Aktien eines Unternehmens auf dem organisierten Kapitalmarkt. Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Primary Guidance, Navigation and Control System — Das Primary Guidance, Navigation and Control System (PGNCS (ausgesprochen: pings)) war das unabhängige inertiale Navigationssystem der Apollo Raumfahrzeuge. Es ermöglichte den Apollo Raumfahrzeugen die Durchführung ihrer Operationen bei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Filter of subtractive primary colors — Фильтр субтрактивных первичных цветов … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Photographic filter — Four photographic filters. Clockwise, from top left, an infrared hot mirror filter, a polarising filter, and a UV filter. The larger filter is a polariser for Cokin style filter mounts. In photography and videography, a filter is a camera… … Wikipedia
Close-up filter — Set of three close up lenses Typical close up lens … Wikipedia
Electronic filter — Electronic filters are electronic circuits which perform signal processing functions, specifically intended to remove unwanted signal components and/or enhance wanted ones. Electronic filters can be:*passive or active *analog or digital *discrete … Wikipedia
Mechanical filter — Figure 1. A mechanical filter made by the Kokusai Electric Company intended for selecting the narrow 2 kHz bandwidth signals in SSB radio receivers. It operates at 455 kHz, a common IF for these receivers, and is dimensioned 45×15×15 mm ( … Wikipedia