- bar magnet
стержневой магнит
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
bar magnet — noun a magnet in the form of a bar with magnetic poles at each end • Hypernyms: ↑magnet * * * noun Etymology: bar (I) : a magnet in the shape of a bar with poles at its ends * * * a bar shaped, usually permanent, magnet. [1820 30] * * * bar… … Useful english dictionary
bar magnet — strypinis magnetas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. bar magnet vok. Stabmagnet, m rus. стержневой магнит, m pranc. aimant droit, m; aimant en barreau droit, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
bar magnet — a bar shaped, usually permanent, magnet. [1820 30] * * * … Universalium
bar magnet — noun A magnet of rectangular shape … Wiktionary
Magnet — This article is about objects and devices that produce magnetic fields. For a description of magnetic materials, see magnetism. For other uses, see Magnet (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
magnet — Synonyms and related words: ambition, artificial magnet, bar magnet, catch, center of attraction, center of consciousness, center of interest, cynosure, dearest wish, desideration, desideratum, desire, electromagnetic lifting magnet, field magnet … Moby Thesaurus
magnet — n 1. lodestone, magnetite, paramagnet; attractor, attractant; field magnet, bar magnet, horseshoe magnet, electromagnet, solenoid. 2. focus, focal point, prime focus, point of convergence; center of attraction or interest, center or focus of… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
magnet — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. lodestone. See attraction, power. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. lodestone, magnetite, magnetic iron ore, bar magnet, electromagnet, horseshoe magnet; see also attraction 2 … English dictionary for students
Magnet URI scheme — Magnet icon The magnet: URI scheme is a draft open standard defining a URI scheme for magnet links, which are mainly used to reference resources available for download via peer to peer networks. Such a link typically identifies a file not by… … Wikipedia
Magnet — Mag net (m[a^]g n[e^]t), n. [OE. magnete, OF. magnete, L. magnes, etis, Gr. Magnh^tis li qos a magnet, metal that looked like silver, prop., Magnesian stone, fr. Gr. Magnhsi a, a country in Thessaly. Cf. {Magnesia}, {Manganese}.] 1. The… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
magnet — /mag nit/, n. 1. a body, as a piece of iron or steel, that possesses the property of attracting certain substances, as iron. 2. a lodestone. 3. a thing or person that attracts: The park was a magnet for pickpockets and muggers. [1400 50; late ME… … Universalium