- pressurization
1) повышение давления (в системе); нагнетание; наддув2) опрессовка3) герметизация4) пищ. аэрозольная упаковка•
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Pressurization — generally refers to the application of pressure in a given situation or environment; and more specifically refers to the process by which atmospheric pressure is maintained in an isolated or semi isolated atmospheric environment (for instance, in … Wikipedia
pressurization — (Amer.) preʃərÉ™ zeɪʃn / raɪ z n. maintenance of constant pressure, application of a constant degree of pressure (also pressurisation) … English contemporary dictionary
pressurization — i. A form of climate control of an aircraft. It is a means of increasing the partial pressure of oxygen in the cabin of an aircraft flying at a high altitude by increasing the air pressure in the cabin to that of an altitude that requires no… … Aviation dictionary
pressurization — pressurize (also pressurise) ► VERB 1) produce or maintain raised pressure artificially in. 2) attempt to persuade or coerce into doing something. DERIVATIVES pressurization noun … English terms dictionary
pressurization and dump valve — A valve used in a turbine engine fuel system equipped with duplex nozzles. When the demand for fuel is low, it flows through the primary manifold. The pressurization valve opens at a high fuel flow to deliver fuel to the secondary manifold. At… … Aviation dictionary
pressurization — noun see pressurize … New Collegiate Dictionary
pressurization — /presh euhr euh zay sheuhn/, n. 1. the process or act of pressurizing. 2. the state of being pressurized. [1935 40; PRESSURIZE + ATION] * * * … Universalium
pressurization — noun The act or process of increasing pressure within a volume of space. See Also: pressurize … Wiktionary
pressurization — noun (U) the quality of being (pressurized (1) or the degree to which something is pressurized … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
pressurization — pres·sur·iza·tion … English syllables
pressurization — ˌpreshərə̇ˈzāshən noun ( s) : the action or process of pressurizing or the state of being pressurized … Useful english dictionary