pressure-gradient force

pressure-gradient force
сила, обусловленная барическим градиентом, сила, обусловленная градиентом давления

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "pressure-gradient force" в других словарях:

  • Pressure-gradient force — The pressure gradient force is not actually a force but the acceleration of air due to pressure difference (a force per unit mass). It is usually responsible for accelerating a parcel of air from a high atmospheric pressure region to a low… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure gradient — In atmospheric sciences (meteorology, climatology and related fields), the pressure gradient (typically of air, more generally of any fluid) is a physical quantity that describes in which direction and at what rate the pressure changes the most… …   Wikipedia

  • gradient wind — /wind/ a wind with a velocity and direction that are mathematically defined by the balanced relationship of the pressure gradient force to the centrifugal force and the Coriolis force: conceived as blowing parallel to isobars. Cf. geostrophic… …   Universalium

  • gradient wind — Any horizontal wind velocity tangent to the contour line of a constant pressure surface or an isobar. This movement of air is to the result of a combination of three forces: pressure gradient force, geostrophic force, and cyclostrophic force. In… …   Aviation dictionary

  • gradient wind — noun see gradient velocity * * * /wind/ a wind with a velocity and direction that are mathematically defined by the balanced relationship of the pressure gradient force to the centrifugal force and the Coriolis force: conceived as blowing… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Low-pressure area — This depiction of the Hadley cell shows the process which sustains low pressure areas. Diverging winds aloft allow for lower pressure and convergence at the Earth s surface, which leads to upward motion. A low pressure area, or low , is a region… …   Wikipedia

  • Low pressure area — A low pressure area, or low , is a region where the atmospheric pressure is lower in relation to the surrounding area. Tropical storms, extratropical cyclones, subpolar cyclones, and subarctic cyclones are called low pressure cells.Lows are… …   Wikipedia

  • Force — For other uses, see Force (disambiguation). See also: Forcing (disambiguation) Forces are also described as a push or pull on an object. They can be due to phenomena such as gravity, magnetism, or anything that might cause a mass to accelerate …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure — This article is about pressure in the physical sciences. For other uses, see Pressure (disambiguation). Pressure as exerted by particle collisions inside a closed container …   Wikipedia

  • Force-free magnetic field — A force free magnetic field is a type of field which arises as a special case from the magnetostatic equation in plasmas. This special case arises when the plasma pressure is so small, relative to the magnetic pressure, that the plasma pressure… …   Wikipedia

  • pressure — 1. A stress or force acting in any direction against resistance. 2. (P, frequently followed by a subscript indicating location)In physics and physiology, the force per unit area exerted by a gas or liquid against the walls of its container or… …   Medical dictionary

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