pressure profile

pressure profile
1) профиль давления
2) эпюра силы

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "pressure profile" в других словарях:

  • urethral pressure profile — (UPP) a record of the resistance of the urethra to fluid flow, measured as variations in urethral pressure (q.v.). A liquid or gas is pumped into the bladder with a catheter in place and the catheter is slowly withdrawn while measurements are… …   Medical dictionary

  • pressure group —    Pressure groups are private and voluntary organisations that seek to influence particular government policies but do not wish to become the government or control all government policies. They operate in the space between government and society …   Glossary of UK Government and Politics

  • Profile angle — The profile angle of a gear is the angle at a specified pitch point between a line tangent to a tooth surface and the line normal to the pitch surface (which is a radial line of a pitch circle). This definition is applicable to every type of gear …   Wikipedia

  • profile — 1. An outline or contour, especially one representing a side view of the human head. SYN: norma (2). 2. A summary, brief account, or record. [It. profilo, fr. L. pro, forward, + filum, thread, line (contour)] biochemical p. SYN: test …   Medical dictionary

  • Profile in Courage Award — opinion or pressure from constituents or other local interests.The winners of the award are selected by a bi partisan committee named by the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, which includes members of the Kennedy family as well as other… …   Wikipedia

  • urethral pressure profilometry — the measurement of urethral pressures for a urethral pressure profile …   Medical dictionary

  • Angle of pressure — Pressure angle is in general the angle at a pitch point between the line of pressure which is normal to the tooth surface, and the plane tangent to the pitch surface. The pressure angle gives the direction of the normal to the tooth profile. The… …   Wikipedia

  • NACA-Profile — Geometrie eines Profils – 1: Nullauftriebslinie (zero lift line); 2: Flügelnase (leading edge); 3: Krümmungsradius der Flügelnase (nose circle); 4: Wölbung (camber); 5: maximale Profildicke (max. thickness); 6: obere Profilseite (upper surface);… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Dive profile — A dive profile is a two dimensional graphical representation of a dive showing depth and time. It is useful as an indication of the risks of decompression sickness and oxygen toxicity and also the volume of open circuit breathing gas needed for a …   Wikipedia

  • Lateral earth pressure — is the pressure that soil exerts in the horizontal plane. The common applications of lateral earth pressure theory are for the design of ground engineering structures such as retaining walls, basements, tunnels, and to determine the friction on… …   Wikipedia

  • Sediment Profile Imagery — (SPI) is an underwater technique for photographing the interface between the seabed and the overlying water. The technique is used to measure or estimate biological, chemical, and physical processes occurring in the first few centimetres of… …   Wikipedia

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