pressure angle

pressure angle
угол зацепления (ЗК)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "pressure angle" в других словарях:

  • pressure angle — noun : the angle between the line of force and a line at right angles to the center line of two gears at the pitch point …   Useful english dictionary

  • Angle of pressure — Pressure angle is in general the angle at a pitch point between the line of pressure which is normal to the tooth surface, and the plane tangent to the pitch surface. The pressure angle gives the direction of the normal to the tooth profile. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure cooking — is a method of cooking in a sealed vessel that does not permit air or liquids to escape below a preset pressure. Because the boiling point of water increases as the pressure increases, the pressure built up inside the cooker allows the liquid in… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure solution — or pressure dissolution in structural geology and diagenesis is a deformation mechanism that involves the dissolution of minerals at grain to grain contacts into an aqueous pore fluid in areas of relatively high stress and either deposition in… …   Wikipedia

  • Doctor blade pressure/angle adjusting mechanism — Механизм регулирования усилия прижима/угла наклона …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Angle-closure glaucoma — This condition can be acute or chronic. It consists of increased pressure in the front chamber (anterior chamber) of the eye due to sudden (acute) or slowly progressive (chronic) blockage of the normal circulation of fluid within the eye. The… …   Medical dictionary

  • Angle-closure glaucoma, acute — Increased pressure in the front chamber (anterior chamber) of the eye due to sudden (acute) blockage of the normal circulation of fluid within the eye. The block takes place at the angle of the anterior chamber formed by its junction of the… …   Medical dictionary

  • Angle of repose — For the Wallace Stegner novel, see Angle of Repose (novel). For the friction angle between two solid objects, see Friction. For the Sleepytime Gorilla Museum song of the same name, see In Glorious Times. Angle of repose The angle of repose or,… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure vessel — Vertical pressure vessels installed in a structure A pressure vessel is a closed container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure substantially different from the ambient pressure. The pressure differential is dangerous and many fatal… …   Wikipedia

  • Angle seat piston valve — An angle seat piston valve is a pneumatically controlled valve with a piston actuator providing linear actuation to lift a seal off its seat. The seat is set at an angle to provide the maximum possible flow when unseated. Angle seat piston valves …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure — This article is about pressure in the physical sciences. For other uses, see Pressure (disambiguation). Pressure as exerted by particle collisions inside a closed container …   Wikipedia

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